Blackheath 1000th

Tuesday swam 30 had not been for ages! Liz to Dublin for Breda's year's mind Mass on Wednesday as Dennis could not go. To see Vickie - all sweetness and light. The assumption is that I want tor retire which of course I do not want to do. Still have gone online to see what is available. We shall see if Jo Richards is interested - she is playing on Sunday so I have a paid day off! Wednesday to Acton and we went to the park with Ciarán on scooter and had lunch at the cafe in the High Street. I went dressed in evening dress and changed - C arrived at bathroom wondering when I was coming to play with his kitchen! Changed again and he did his Thomas jigsaw very quickly! To cathedral interfaith group for 2nd session - new faces and 12 there. Patricia was a pain! Margaret vague as usual. Still we had an interesting discussion. To Eltham by train and Colin picked me up - via Welling to Bexleyheath Marriott hotel for Blackheath's 1000th meeting. 170 there including Grand President Tony Godden and Archbishop Peter Smith. Nice meal and we got an engraved Canadian whisky glass to add to my collection! Raffle for Jimmy Mizen foundation and his father and 4 sons were there. Auction of football items. £2600 to the foundation. It was a good evening and home by midnight and Liz had returned safely.


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