
Showing posts from March, 2013

Easter Day

Liz went off to the cathedral for morning prayer and Sung Mass. Completed the Tablet crossword - still have 1 and a half issues to catch up on! At St Michael's decided Howells Saraband would not work at all -  the trumpet stop is quite strident so played Orgelbuchlein. We used Common worship and the "carousel" setting - composer unknown for Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus - it lacks appeal. Thine be the glory, Alleluia sing to Jesus, Alleluia! give thanks to the risen Lord and The day of resurrection. Psalm and Celtic alleluia confidently sung. Biggest attendance of the week - 32. Average for the Triduum around 18 in church. Hallelujah chorus was appreciated. Car to Selhurst and got to Acton via Willesden Junction. Jo, Terry, Cara and Jack came for a delicious lunch of lamb and lemon meringue pie. Took Sean's mosaic and he was on great form. Ciaran was tired and had too much chocolate. Liz liked her luxury egg - it got cracked at Heythrop. Home to Antiques roadshow. Watche...

Easter Vigil

Watched more Come dine with me and listened to part of evensong from Portsmouth cathedral. To St Michael's for the Vigil - have not played for this for 9 years! Coulsdon didn't have one. All went well and the soprano from St James joined us. Murray psalms, Water of life, Longing for light at start, Lord enthroned, A brighter dawn is breaking. Smashing Exultet and Litany of saints sung by Fr Paul. I played Bach at end then to Selhurst and arrived at cathedral as confirmations were taking place. Lovely Bassano, Vierne and Tournemire. Cold and frosty again.

Holy Saturday

To morning prayer and some more superb singing of Victoria responsories and Anerio and a very effective strepitus which sounded like an earthquake! Watched Melvyn Bragg's interesting programme on Mary Magdalene. Looking in back over Lent what are the highlights? The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent book Abiding, readings each day in Walk with me and The Glory of these 40 days. The cathedral Lent group Amazing grace. Visiting Tudeley church to see the Chagall windows. The Faith Matters talks. Bishop Christopher at Westminster Abbey on painting, poetry and prayer. Pope Francis. The Tablet meditations on St Columba. The seder meal. The cathedral choir singing Victoria responsories and Anerio Christus factus est. These are not in order - just a rich tapestry.

Good Friday

The news that Pope Francis washed the feet of a woman Muslim prisoner will certainly upset the traditionalists and I hope it does! The Tablet says he washed the feet of 12 mothers on a previous occasion. To the cathedral for Morning prayer and I was book bearer. Superb Victoria responsories and Anerio Christus factus est. To St John's for 12 noon liturgy. Sanders Reproaches. I had book open at Casals O vos omnes instead of Gesualdo - oops! Nice soup and cheese lunch. I had leek and potato and the pasta and vegetable. Sat with Joy and Geoff. Feeling annoyed by Mary Smith who commented on us not being at rehearsal which Adrian had agreed. To St Michael's and 30 there and all went well - relatively simple. Fr Paul took off sandals and chasuble to venerate - very dramatic and he sang the prayers very well. Perhaps he was a professional singer. I somehow doubt it. He certainly has stage experience. Liz was up late baking a second batch of hot cross buns which were delicious. Seems ...



Chagall at Tudeley


Mosaic for SeĂ¡n


Mosaic for Alan and Ivor


Chrism Mass photos

Looking serious as does Brian! Thursday to interfaith lunch and presented Alan and Ivor with their mosaic at last. The theme was suffering and we heard Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh and Christian perspectives and David Standley was excellent. l L

Chrism Mass

Tuesday to the Chrism Mass and we were communion torches. Good to see Brian and Derek and other priests we know. Haydn and Missa de angelis which felt like a step backwards. Poulenc and Mozart Ave verum. Good homily from the Archbishop. Nice lunch in hall and the Archbishop greeted me by name! Had a chat to Fr John from Shepherd's Bush among others. To Acton and picked up CiarĂ¡n from Maples. Watched programme on P.G.Wodehouse and Easter bake off also The Iron Lady with Meryl Streep who was excellent. Wednesday Liz went to St Helen's for farewell so we went to music and SeĂ¡n was on great form and we had lunch at Marks. CiarĂ¡n played track and then I went off to college for our last lecture which is sad. We had a good presentation from Daniel and wine and chocolates from Kim. Liz was late back from RCIA - full moon. Ann Widdecombe on humour in religion.


Monday back playing up a bit but went to mosaic and tai chi - only 3 in the class. Bought flowers at M & S for our hostess. Set off at 5 leaving car at Norwood Junction train to Canada Water underground to Swiss Cottage. As we were early sat in the library for a while - impressive. C11 bus to Lawn Road. A delightful evening with musical hosts and lots of traditions and family arguments over what comes next and songs for all to sing! Ashley plays guitar and Jonah the drums and is going to Boston to study. Ashley's Dad was master of the musicians company so knows Alistair. A lifelong desire to attend a seder fulfilled ever since my host in Jerusalem in 1973 could not take me to another's home. Enjyed the chat too - 4 glasses of wine! 168 and 468 home arriving 12.30. Tuesday collected car from station by 9 a.m. cold wind again.


We had snow flurries Saturday and a little this morning but the wind made it very cold.  Drove to West Dulwich and left car there. Timothy Penrose welcomed us to All Saints Dulwich and I played Oldroyd and Murrill on the organ which came from Barnes. I was at the opening recital. The church has been beautifully restored after the 2000 fire and much improved. Adrian gave me a lift to Goose Green and John Webber gave us tea and a short recital - the vicar told us the history. I had to leave after the Sweelinck. The organ is a Walker. Vespers and Mass for Palm Sunday with Canon Christopher. Watched Come dine with me episodes. Sunday took Liz to West Norwood. The Palm Sunday procession went ahead and I took my pitch pipe so they started on B flat! I then made my way back through the church ready to play Ride ride on when they arrived and all went well. I played St Matthew Passion final chorus at the end and we practised. To British Museum to see the outstanding Pompeii and Herculaneum...


Finished reading the 3 articles for next Wednesday - our last lecture! To Our Lady's Addiscombe small hall for the Catenian quiz which I organised. 26 in all so 5 teams of 5 and Beckenham team won followed by Tom and the girls. Nice fish and chips and all went well apart from the Beatles lyrics questions. The picture round as a starter was a good idea as 4 were late. We welcomed Tom, Annmarie and Peter so potential members were there which was the whole idea.

SeĂ¡n and sacred music

SeĂ¡n has chicken pox and CiarĂ¡n, who has had it, was pointing out a spot thinking he might have it as everybody else seems to have done! Swam 22. Thinking about last night. It'a so important as Andrew Carwood said to put support into training church musicians especially young ones and pass on the tradition. I spoke against using CDs to replace live music. Andrew said hymn singing is in decline and looking at recent braodcasts one sees many people not singing the hymns which is sad. The decline of the Methodist church and churchgoing plus the move away from teaching children to sing has had an effect. RSCM is reviewing its education programme and there are gaps in that too. We need to get back the workshops where young people are encouraged to sing more. Michael Berkeley's new anthem for Canterbury was excellent and let's hope it gets taken up by Benedictine foundations. It started like Taverner's The Lamb - maybe that was deliberate? It is encouraging that cathedral ch...

Andrew Carwood

Louise arrived with SeĂ¡n and we went to St Gertrude's South Croydon for the funeral of Clare's Dad John Taylor who was only 53 when he died. Fr Martin MacCarthy as vague as ever but all went OK. The organ a Viscount very dusty! Louise sang Ave Maria and Panis. Louise dropped me at East Croydon and I had a baked potato in the cathedral cafe. Joan and Rita came to Lent group and we had a lively discussion. To Tate Britain to see the Schwitters exhibition - I liked the portraits very much. Also an interesting film of past exhibitions in the Duveen galleries. To M & S for tea and then to Andrew Carwood's excellent talk with illustrations by the Heythrop Schola who were much better. I commented on parish repertoire and condemned CDs replacing live music. Watched the enthronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Tunbridge Wells

Tuesday set off at 2.30 for Tudeley near Tonbridge to see the wonderful Marc Chagall stained glass in All Saints church. Nice organ there too. Then to Thomas a Becket chapel at Capel which has 13th century wall paintings. Found the Travelodge and a large room. To Spa Hotel down the road for the 750th meeting of Tunbridge Wells circle and an excellent dinner of duck leg, soup and strawberry cheesecake - wine included. An easy walk back to the hotel and a good night's sleep. After breakfast went to the Catholic church but Fr Peter was with somebody so played the organ for a bit and looked at the good collection of spiritual reading in the church. We were home by 1 and prepared Friday's quiz. To Heythrop for dinner and lecture which was on the Spirit and mission. Most of us went to the pub and I had a Munich beer. Home by 10.40. Question of Sport on TV. 4 articles in The Lion.


To confirmation class where we spoke about marriage and Oscar and Paulo spoke about holy orders. It went well and a nice class this year including servers Christina and Joseph. Home to watch Come dine with me and Great railway journeys.

The Lady vanishes

To evensong at St John's and Fr John certainly has presence. We sang Blow Salvator mundi. Had wine last night having given up alcohol for Lent but it was a special occasion! The Lady vanishes on BBC1 was well done. Watched Antiques roadshow and Come dine with me.


Saturday set off at 2.20 and picked up Liz at Hollingbourne station in rain. Mercure hotel very nice and had a swim and jacuzzi. Mass at 6 for which I played the keyboard. Carpet made the room very dull for singing. Fr Paul from Farnborough presided. An excellent meal for John and Anne Rayer and enjoyed sitting with Duncan's daughters and Luis's daughter and their husbands. Speeches were light and we were up until midnight. Liz won a Jamie cookbook on the raffle. Sunday had a swim, steam room and jacuzzi and a good breakfast chatting to Duncan and Marion. Home in rain at 1.15 - 82 mile round drive. Heard Damian Howard on radio 2 about the Pope who has a very different style which is great.


Reading about Meister Eckhart. Scanner playing up again. Listened to excellent evensong from Chichester cathedral. Duncan rang - seems I am playing for Mass tonight on a keyboard! Good The Choir with Mary King and University challenge was good too. Last night watched excellent programme on Syrian history with Dan Snow.

Comic relief

Finished the 3 articles for next Wednesday. Comic relief was funny especially Rowan Atkinson as the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Vicar of Dibley on women bishops and touching. The child with pneumonia was the clincher for me. Saturday took Liz to station and cleared up.

Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi

Friday swam 20. At noon Sayed came and we had a wide ranging recorded conversation. It was interesting to hear of the enormous graveyards in Iraq and the difficulties Muslims have in trying to visit Israel. I now have to write this up for my coursework. Watched his brilliant Ismaili centre lecture. Read 2 articles.

Christian Hindu forum

Tuesday to Heythrop for the forum which was on "What is yoga?" Good presentations on history and development and modern yoga and its commercial aspects. Nice lunch and good networking. Next time issues need to be addressed like the Catholic document on yoga. It was worth going. Martin Ganeri hardly spoke to me - has he been told about my moans? To Acton and played with CiarĂ¡n. Liz was at servers council. Watched Masterchef. Wednesday took Ciaran to Maples nursery and SeĂ¡n to music. Picked up CiarĂ¡n and enjoyed walk in Acton park and tea in the cafe then I went to Heythrop for dinner and lecture. Thursday met Louise at Tate Modern and enjoyed Roy Lichtenstein retrospective and had coffee in the members room. To Heythrop for Mass and Richard Price gave an excellent homily on the new Pope Francis I who was announced last night. Liz was interviewed by BBC London but was  not on TV. Heythrop Feastival featured football between philosophers and theologians, a fashion show, short t...


Swam 22. On Monday watched 3 University challenge episodes. Slept right through the night which is good! Impressed by John Pritchard last night and he is to say morning and evening prayer in church every day. It would be good if there were better links between St John's and St Alban's which is a daughter church but of course do not like women clergy. There were only 4 women priests there last night.

Fr John Pritchard

Woke in the night so did not get up for swim. Very cold and snow flurries. Mosaic and finished latest project. I need some grout for SeĂ¡n's mosaic - a few tiny gaps. Tai chi. Did some dissertation research on Google scholar. I got 56 for my Dupuis essay which is fine as I did not think it was that good. To St John's and we were joined by the excellent choir from St Peter Great Berkhampstead and 60 of that congregation. Fr John very affable and Bishop Christopher was on good form. We sang Vierne Messe solenelle and I give you a new commandment by Peter Nadrone. Chris Moore was there and chatted to the vicar of St Alban's and St Luke's Woodside.

Mothering Sunday

Took Liz to St John's to sing so arrived early at St Michael's to practise organ. No Bill so psalm not sung but the 2 ladies managed the acclamation OK. Played Bach Fantasia in C minor and then straight to St John's for rehearsal for tomorrow. We sang "Happy are they" my mum's favourite - Christ to their homes giveth his peace. We also sang "For Mary mother of our Lord". Made a video of Crystal Palace but Face book not uploading it! Nice photos from South London event in Catenian provincial newsletter. Grouted the 2 mosaics. Played for Stations of the cross with meditations and 3 hymns and practised. Found everyone having tea downstairs and then rehearsed with piano with 2 sopranos and another one is joining us at the vigil. Home to watch Crufts show final.

Remote controlled car

When we got home Ciaran got the idea!


Recently on Songs of Praise we had "Hark my soul it is the Lord" to that dreary tune St Bees - actually it isn;t a tune at all, Stuck on the brain of course. The memorable "Lors it is my chief complaint that my love is far too faint" always makes me think of moaners in shops! Loaded photos and tagged and labelled them better. Here is Ciaran and Boyan playing at Crystal Palace.

John Keys

Took lIz to Selhurst to get train. I went to Elmers End and got train to Catford Bridge for recital at St Laurence. I was early so read in Catford library. Read 3 articles today for course. John Keys of St Mary's Nottingham played an all Bach programme immaculately, He knows Fr Simon Gillespie. Lady told me Gary Sieling was leaving Bromley PC but it's not true, Vespers and Mass with Fr Paolo and a powerful homily on the Prodigal Son. Watched Wild Arabia. Opera from Met was Don Carlo.

London Zoo

Woke in the night again. Train and buses to the Zoo and a walk at the end. Rained all the time. CiarĂ¡n loved the new penguin beach, giraffes and gorilla. The mangabey frightened him by jumping at the glass. The Nightlife section was been improved with bats flying around and an armadillo. Biodiversity section is good too. But is it really good value for £21.50 plus £5 train tickets on a 2 for 1 offer? I don't think so. We did see servals and Asiatic lions but the new tiger enclosure is not open yet and there are no elephants. The pygmy hippo, zebras and okapis are lovely. Came home the same way and pretty tired but went to games night against Beckenham which was fun.

Mgr Jim Curry

Another restless night - woke at 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. dreamt about lions! To Heythrop for 1 p.m. Mass. Martin Poulson on guitar - it seems Joey has given up! Only 6 in choir and I was asked to do offertory. Mgr Jim was at coffee and very chatty - Our Lady of Victories where we were married is being refurbished. To library and then to Hinsley room for Lent group which went really well - only 4 of us. AA turned up afterwards as I was reading the Dupuis article so went to M & S for toasted sandwich and tea and finished article in peace. Faith matters lecture on the Eucharist with Fr Andrew Cameron-Mowat and an interesting discussion with Fr Archer, Peter, Liz and Ann. Quite clear that the new language is not liked!


Did not sleep well. To Chartwell and a lovely day - crocuses and snowdrops and there is now an interesting museum display. Had a nice lunch. To Heythrop library and then for a talk on the Armenian liturgy. Had meal and lecture was good and we did some comparative theology reading. Watched compulsive cleaners.


Got X68 to Russell Square and read The Tablet. To Senate House chancellor's hall for free all day seminar on Collaborative partnerships between universities and Muslim institutions: removing the roadblocks. Started with a really good exercise where we each had to meet 3 new people and find out ther skills and contacts. Good speakers and nice lunch - made lots of useful contacts especially Christian and Muslim ones. The day was quite interesting and I was thinking about Khadija - it seems going to Egypt to learn the purest Arabic is considered more highly than a Ph.D! Got bus home and disappointed not going to Acton but we are going to the Zoo on Friday. Completed mosaic for SeĂ¡n while watching programme on the Louvre.


Swam 20 and set off early as I was taking back glue and bringing milk and biscuits for the mosaic class. Of course Nicky had to comment on the date on the milk bottle but I said it has been filled from a fresh one! The new place is well done if a little smaller. For tai chi the ceiling seems low but there is plenty of light. I asked Tony if we could face the other way as I did not fancy people coming out of Clapham Junction station seeing us through the open door! To Balham library and chatted to Jeremy. Got 2 South Africna guide books. Met Alison on the train - she still works at Putney library. Nice lunch and Liz went off to confirmation class. I worked on the 2 mosaics. To Catenians and Jim Mann and Terry Brain were there. Not many coming to the quiz but 9 for the games night on Friday!

Canon Mark Oakley

There was a noisy party in Whitehorse Lane up to 5 a.m. I could only hear it when the window was open. Liz went on the bus  to first communion class at the cathedral. I played for service and the psalm was better although Debbie is still not always on the note but we did have a look at the Vigil psalms. Then I was off to St Paul's cathedral for the talk on his book "The collage of God" by Canon Mark Oakley. The lady next to me had been at the Abbey yesterday. He basically told us his story. He spoke of the need for clergy to be honest about their beliefs and doubts. Liturgy is "poetry in motion" and the literal minded worshipper needs to be engaged with fresh language. Google has influenced our minds to think in terms of facts he said in answer to my question. I liked his story of the farmer who said his shepherd's crook was not to catch the naughty ones but to stick into the ground and hold so that he was so still the sheep will trust him. I sent this to B...

Bishop Christopher Herbert

Day started badly - left scarf behind, phone had no power. Parked at Kent House and arrived in good time at St Margaret's Westminster - I had left my cushion behind and the pews are hard. Liz had retreat day for the course. Bishop Christopher Herbert is retired Bishop of St Albans and he spoke so well on "Painting, poetry and prayer". Elizabeth Jennings' poetry on the paintings of Mantegna, Van Gogh, Palmer, Chagall and most movingly of all Rembrandt. It was brilliant! The logistics are not good getting through the crowds to get to the loos and queuing for coffee - why can't they set up an urn in the church? Had my lunch and read Tablet - I have 3 to catch up on. Interesting review of "Mary and Martha" which we watched last night. To evensong and for some reason we were all put in the transepts rather than the choir - it was cold! Walton Chichester service not to my taste but the Wesley anthem was nice, Saw Canon Tremlett and the Dean as I left to the s...

Mary and Martha

A really good programme on BBC1 about 2 mothers who lose their sons to malaria - very touching. This is my 2000th posting on this blog! Wild Arabia was an excellent programme featuring leopards and wolves. 2 excellent David Attenborough programmes about Africa.

St David's Day

Finished 3 articles on scriptural reasoning and Comparative Theology  - I think SR should be followed up. Listened to choral evensong featuring Purcell from Durham and Songs of praise from St David's cathedral. Second new toilet seat installed. Moving programme from Auschwitz about music in the camps.


Michael Toplis lent me a CD of Thomas Trotter playing St Giles Cripplegate which is the same as the Mander at St Michael's and it makes interesting listening. Watched Howard Goodall on the history of music. Wasted an hour on this computer as the cursor got stuck but have now gone back to using a mouse.