
Showing posts from November, 2013

A Wapping pilgrimage

To Tesco pharmacy for flu jab for the first time - very nice pharmacist explained it all. My arm still a bit sore. To Hurtado centre Wapping for an excellent Advent pilgrimage with Paul Nicholson SJ and bought his Advent book of reflections for each day. The walk round Wapping was most interesting. A lovely section like a Dutch canal scene then dull estates. The mosque is currently on a top floor and very dark. St Peter's Anglican church very high and quite lovely compared to the Catholic church which is cold and very Roman - St Patrick's. Pat and Kerry and a nice group. Damian was there and lent hats - I chose a splendid black one from Bailey of Hollywood. It was a great chance to reflect on pilgrimages especially the Holy Land and my role. John the Baptist seen as someone who decreased. To Bloomsbury Baptist for Norman Harper being funny and playing Thalben-Ball complete with happy stickers on his soles, Bach, Peeters, Leighton and Karg-Elert. Large crowd outside for auditio...

Charlie Andrews

Woke late so no swim. Posted Ann's birthday card. To St George's Beckenham for excellent recital by Charlie Andrews - Bach, Vierne and Dupre. Saw Ken Baker. Did poster for June 2014 and report on Phiroza's meeting for Interfaith network. Cleared comments off Westminster Interfaith and put on some reports. Liz went to babysit - Tom leaves for a week in Sydney tomorrow. Watched programmes on Heathrow and Transport for London.

Nicolas Kynaston

Took Ciaran to school and Liz did not go in because of tummy. Took Sean to music and he enjoyed it. He slept well and I listened to Norwich cathedral evensong while Liz took Ciaran to swimming. Liz had a good time in New York last week and Tom is going to Sydney for a week! To the cathedral for Nicolas Kynaston's well attended recital. Richard Pilliner was there. Liszt, Reubke, Mozart, Reger and Roger-Ducasse. It was rather a heavy programme. Thursday only swam 16 as I was late up. Liz to college. To South London interfaith group lunch which was very delicious and some good sharing about National Interfaith week. To National Portrait gallery to see excellent Elizabeth 1 and Britten displays. Hannukkah lights in Trafalgar Square. To Heythrop for excellent lecture by Baroness Scotland about being a thinking Catholic in public life. Fr Michael O'Boyle, Allen Morris and Tom Creagh-Fuller were there. Chatted to a Muslim and Dr Prout from Brisbane. Monika from Liz's class was th...


Swam 30 so upped my game! Collected oasis for Advent wreath. Liz went back to doctor's again and complained. The sample has now been accepted. We met Peter Simpson at Spaghetti house and had a delightful meal. I had to leave to get to Westminster interfaith meeting at Vaughan House and had a look at the website again. Liz went to SOAS and Acton and I headed for Alexandra Palace for Duncan Mackenzie brilliantly accompanying Buster Keaton The Blacksmith and Harold Lloyd's For heaven's sake. I laughed so much I cried. Liz found her Christmas present in my drawer!

Dennis's birthday

Swam 20. To mosaic and tile adhesive to attach 2 on netting to boards. Tai chi. To CLC Ave Maria Lane near St Paul's to get Real Advent calendars - very helpful staff and nice shop. To Tate Britain - impressive new areas and staircase and lovely members room upstairs . To Europa House Smith Square for 10th birthday of London Boroughs interfaith forum - lots of people I know. Bishop of Woolwich and Lord Bates spoke well. Left in good time with Katharina to get to Crystal Palace for 7.15. Very nice birthday dinner for Dennis - whitebait, steak, pancake, birthday cake and cappuccino.                                                                                                                      ...

Christ the King

To St Chad's to put up the Catenian banners early and leave leaflets in the porch. Discovered Mass intention for our deceased brothers not in newsletter so rang Fr Bartholomew and Bill who spoke to Fr David and sorted it but I was furious! Fr Paul noticed so I told him. Ran through Stay awake! Played Crown Imperial not very well, last part was better at the end of the service. Got back to St Chad's as people were coming out so gave out some leaflets but impossible to get into the hall for the fete. Derrick and Sheila were there - not helping of course. Colin could not come so a pathetic turnout. To Victoria and met Liz - train from East Croydon very crowded. To Sion centre for discussion on ethics between Michael Barnes and Anil Goonewardene a Buddhist. Met a lovely nun from Hanwell. Delivered mosaic to Brian just before Mass at cathedral for end of Year of Faith - he was deacon. Home to hear Britten Noyes Fludde from Aldeburgh. Programme on Morecambe and Wise.

SSG trustees

To Allen Morris's lovely presbytery in St John's Wood to take minutes of SSG trustees meeting. Lots of nice eats. 11 to 3.30 of concentration! Tea at Pret and bought birthday cards. Served vespers for Christ the King and Bishop John confirmed adults at Mass. As always he spoke well. QI and film about Lawrence followed by one about Keats.


Yesterday we had still heard nothing from No. 19 so I knocked and saw Lucy born on Sunday and fast asleep. Helen had a short labour without epidural which is good as she was very ill a couple of years ago. David is off for another week and showed me his trumpet practice room soon to be changed. The extension is being built at the moment so it's chaos! I enjoyed the walnut whips from Tom and Liz got lovely flowers - no need for it but very nice. 

Nigel Groome

Swam 20. Cold day again. To Beckenham Parish church to hear Nigel Groome play. Chat to Ken. Joan Conway was a bit odd. Nice pieces by Harris, Alain, Willan, Archer, Alcock and Wesley - no mention of Britten or St Cecilia. Also 50 years since Kennedy was shot! Liz to doctor - she has virus. I went to Tescos to try and get Real Advent Calendar, Liz's prescription and ordered oasis for Advent wreath at florists. Catenian council at home - lots of drinks and snacks - went on to 9.50! I am to do President for another year! 

Gareth Malone

Birmingham city council choir programme is good! 

Richard II

To Clapham Picturehouse to see RSC production of Richard II with David Tennant. Fantastic acting and production of a wonderful play. To St Stephen Walbrook to see religious art. Particularly liked scuplures, mosaics and Peter Webb paintings. I sent emails to Metro and Standard about reviews of Dame Edna. Popped into St Edmund where I was told they were just closing and St Mary Woolnoth. It's strange that the spirituality centre is so unwelcoming. To Southwark cathedral shop but no true Advent calendars - the Queen had been there today.  Sat in Brixton library and then to  Lambeth town hall for interfaith forum event. Networking. Fr Adrian McKenna there and the 3 from one Faith foundation. Malik and arranged to meet at Streatham mosque at last! Home to masterchef.            


To ENO for Satyagahra - Alan Oke as Gandhi was superb. Philip Glass's music is mesmerising and a fine production. How do they learn it? Stuart Stratford conducted. It was great to be in the stalls for the first time on the secret £20 seat scheme. Met Nick  Ansdell-Evans at interval -I had forgotten how tall he is. It was a long opera and we got back to Acton on tube and train well after 11.30 p.m. Slept well. Thursday I took Ciaran to school and Liz took Sean to Maples playgroup.

Laurence Freeman and Phiroza Gan

To meditatio for the last of the series attended by lots of extras. Laurence asked me about Boris Johnson. He spoke about John Main. Made my way to Acton. Wednesday took Ciaran and Liz to school and Liz stayed for the morning hearing reading. It was raining and I took SeĂ¡n to playgroup at Acton parish church hall which he loved especially the car. Photos taken. Met Liz and Ciaran at Morrisons for scampi lunch - service not that great. I took them home in the car and set off to be at Hinsley room in good time for 3.30. I bought tea things but Ann and Joan were both there. 21 came! Council of Christians and Jews support. Phiroza was late but answered the questions on Zoroastrianism well. I accompanied her on bus to Westminster. 

Laurence Carden

Only swam 12 as we were late frost on car but I did find Liz's cap and goggles in the case. To Bromley PC and Kevin brought the Catenian banners from Chatham which was kind of him. The recital was by Laurence Carden a young player from Highgate who won the award at Oundle this year. There were one or two slips but an interesting programme including Thalben-Ball, Fletcher, Chilcott, Mathias, Geissler and Jirak. The curate presided somewhat awkwardly. There was no sgn of Ernest and Cecilia. St John's churchyard has been dug up for work on drains.


Swam 20 and Liz came as well. Mosaic and tai chi (only 5) In between took books back to Battersea library which is looking good. To Ealing to Meditatio house which is lovely. Meeting with Laurence Freeman about May seminar and it was interesting and worthwhile. It will be a very different kind of gathering. Then to City hall for Mayor of London's reception for National Interfaith week. About 25 people greeted me. I spoke to David Wood Boris's sidekick about the seminar and it was good to see the video of the interfaith walks and the exhibition. Spoke to 2 from the Hyderi mosque. Lots of networking and met some new people too. Boris spoke well although he had had a bad day - another cyclist killed. Watched Gareth Malone. 

Billy Budd

Played Albinoni Adagio, Faure and Thalben-Ball Elegy at church. Hayley copied carols for me and Paul changed some hymns on Dec 22 to Advent ones! We said the psalm and it looks as though sung psalms are finished which is a shame. Bill was not there and Debbie was pretty bad. John Williams was there again - he's the one who did not want a paid organist! Hayley is keen to use the organ and we had a look at the gallery above the altar - it is a dumping ground but Louise could sing from there if unaccompanied. Played the piano - found some operatic arias and popular songs and some Eric Coates. Can't find my carol sheets and music! Evensong was Harris in A minor and Lead kindly light to Alberta. Kathy wrecked Loosemore - her vowels and intonation are dreadful especially Amen! Rehearsed the Cox Litany for the baptism next Sunday of Amos Dmitris Cox - not easy. Watched Billy Budd from Glyndebourne (2010 production). Doris Lessing has died. 

Marylebone organs

A quiet morning. To Old Marylebone Road to Our Lady of the Rosary where Roy Emerson met us and Maurice Merrall demonstrated the Bishop organ. He told me the Bishop organ form St Margaret's went to Lincolnshire. Only 8 came which was a pity. I played Elgar. On the 36 bus to Annunciation Bryanston Street near Marble Arch. Christopher Stead played Durufle. The organ is very fine and I again played For the fallen which was a treat. The organ case is like Westminster Abbey! Served at Mass with Fr Michael and St Augustine's priory school choir sang - girls. Watched TV programmes on Britten - most interesting.                               

Dame Edna

Thursday swam 14 - the lights were not on when I arrived and mentioned to Clare that the emergency lights should have come on which apparently they do not do which is crazy! Ordered flowers. Liz was at college. To see Fr Paul and 2 hours - the only Christmas items now in Advent are on Advent 1. Gradual hymns instead of psalms and carols agreed. Left my diary but traffic was too heavy thanks to the Goat house bridge closures. Did not go to Tredici concert or the LJS lecture. Watched the Zoo. Friday finished Hilary Mantel's Bring up the bodies - brilliant! Liz's birthday flowers came. To the Palladium for Dame Edna Everage's farewell show. The first section with Sir Les was awful with lots of rude jokes and offensive comments. The second half was very funny and we all got gladioli to wave and take home. We saw Michael Parkinson getting into a car. John Tavener has died - how sad! We once met him at an airport.


Tuesday no swim as Paul Britton came on Skype. To Bethnal Green and bought calendars and fridge magnets. Conversations for the soul at Christian/Muslim forum with Jeremy Bond and a rather strange lady who was there to promote an interfaith song she has composed. To Vaughan House for Westminster interfaith meeting with |Unity of Faiths three about 2014. To Acton and Liz arrived later from servers council. I was babysitting so Lou and Tom went to pub watching Masterchef and good programme on Wakefield cathedral. Wednesday took Sean to music and he was really responding well. In fact he was good as gold all day! He had a good sleep at lunch time and Liz took Ciaran to swimming. Watched the Zoo.

Chris Hewer and Michael Barnes

To Kingston Milaap centre for excellent day on Islamic ethics with Chris. Met a humanist and Josephine from Weybridge. To Heythrop for Professor Barnes's inaugural lecture on Grey wisdom. Good to see people there. Ended up at Sydenham so late back. Watched Citizen Khan.

Remembrance Sunday

Played Solemn Melody, Nimrod and St Anne fugue. Said psalm and alleluia and Last Post was a recording after all. Asked about Christmas and Louise, Liz and Stephen's wife will sing at carols on 22nd. Abide with me and For all the saints were odd choices and I felt Fr Paul went on a bit too much and didn't really address current wars. Nice lunch and heard a little of evensong from Canterbury and The Choir with Mary King. At evensong I read first lesson about Solomon and we sang Dyson and Peter Aston - he died this year - nice man. To Hyderi mosque for drama and film ostensibly about Wahab a Christian martyr but really about Husain and his death. It was violent and unpleasant with severed heads and dead baby. Is repeating this sad tale helpful? The equivalent would be inviting Muslims to watch a bloody account of martyring Protestants and Catholics. It was very crowded and I escaped. Whether Conversations for the soul is possible is debatable. Watched Downton Abbey.


To St John's Wood for SSG AGM and Crichton lecture. An interesting talk on the New-Catechumenate which raised questions. Served at Mass with Bishop Alan Hopes. Lovely music from the Inwoods. Fr Allen was very welcoming. The "lecture" was given by Bishop Kieran from Arundel and Brighton  - amusing and too the point. Keep going! AGM was short and sweet. It seems thet need another trustee so not quite sure why we are to be clerks to the Trustees 3 times a year. Why not make one of us a trustee? Had tea at Pret and served Mass with Fr Paolo. Ed played from Elijah and Bach Fantasia in C minor. Mgr Mark O'Toole is to be bishop of Plymouth. Watched Royal British legion festival of remembrance.

Spidir course

Swam 14. To St Matthew's for 2nd session - several had missed last month's session. Nigel spoke on the Bible and spiritual direction. We ended early with compline. It was a good day. Met Charles a Baptist minister from Sevenoaks who described himself as an Anglo Catholic Baptist! To the cathedral for Martin taking boys rehearsal of Bach and Durufle - vowels, consonants and superb musicianship. Served at Mass and a good meal with SSG at Jugged Hare after Ed had shown us the consoles. Alas no warning we could play so no music to play. He played Vierne Carillon in his socks! 

Thomas Merton

To St Mark's for the penultimate talk in the series on Merton. We had a stand-in who was excellent. When I told him about my dissertation he said people like me had to carry on the work Merton had started! I have missed 2 lectures. Yesterday I missed spirituality day and interfaith forum. 


Only swam 12 as High Street being dug up again! Liz off to see Paolo and to college. To Honda's to get Liz;s new car key - half hour wait, cost £160. She better not lose this one! To Dulwich picture gallery to see lovely Whistler and the Thames exhibition and enjoy Rembrandts and Van Dycks. Watched The choir and The Zoo.

A good day

Liz went to opticians. I enjoyed Simon Williams' recital at Grosvenor chapel. Appropriately he played the Royal Fireworks music, Buxtehude and Mendelssohn 3. Hindemith 3 not to my taste really. Popped into Farm Street church and Royal Academy for large paintings by Li Songsong, disappointing designs by John Carter. The Daumier exhibition was far too crowded - some fine works. To SOAS Brunei gallery to see the Zoroastrian exhibition - some very fine things but poorly displayed. Hard to read the captions on the glass cases, excellent videos but nowhere to sit and watch them. The washing ritual was fascinating. Interesting display about David Livingstone.  Tea at Pret and then Louise joined us at the lovely Gate cinema to see Philhomena. A moving and funny film which made you think. Dame Judy Dench and Steve Coogan were outstanding. To Acton. Wednesday Ciaran to school in Louise's car - funny driving it again after all these years! I took Sean to music and a good turnout. Told T...


To circle meeting - only 7 of us there plus 15 visitors and a visiting gent Barry Burn who is keen to come again. Watched a bit of Gareth Malone new series.

Drew and Durer

Woke at 5 and up at 8.30/ To mosaic and started on new project using broken crockery. Skipped tai chi and to St Michael's Cornhill to hear Andrew Cantrill who played a good programme. Bach, Grieg, Couperin, Brahms, Villette, Saint-Saens, Corrette. To Courtauld to see early Durers and Impresisonists - only £3 on Mondays. The ice rink is being put up. Met Stephen at Charing Cross and had a chat. Fr Paul accepted my ideas which is good! 


We went up to Glyn close to see Dennis and AnnMarie and meet Molly. House looks good with new red lampshades and pictures and clocks. To St John's for lovely Durufle requiem and reading of names including Georges and Woodhouses. Kept thinking of all those funerals we have sung at. We sang In our day of thanksgiving and O what their joy. Not pleased at Fr Paul's choices for Advent 1 and the problem of the psalm is not solved. 


Played Darke on Brother James air and Elgar For the fallen. We sang O thou who camest from above. Psalm 32 was said as no setting available - even the Mayhew book does not match Common worship! Asked to play gospel acclamation after gospel so I said liturgical nonsense and offered to play a short piece instead which worked well.  It seems we are to have a recording of the Last Post next Sunday - unimpressed. Straight to St Paul's cathedral on 2 trains as London Bridge closed again - worked well despite the trek at Blackfriars. Mark Barrett OSB monk of Worth spoke well about Crossing. 


Saturday to Hurtado centre at Wapping for a 2 hour morning quiet session led by Damian Howard and Anna on Psalm 23 in which we wrote our own psalm. It was a good time. To Whitechapel gallery but Sarah Lucas's obsession with genitalia does not appeal. To Tate Britain to see the iconoclasm exhibition which was most interesting. Surprised to find the members room still closed but saw several films and the British art displays. Tea at Pret a manger. Big crowds to see the relics of St Anthony of Padua and mitre at Mass which was attended by lots of servers. Told Archbishop about our results. For some odd reason we were asked not to attend vespers - very odd. Rebecca and George are a pain. Watched National theatre tribute on BBC2. Commented on Simon Surtees' sermon for Remembrance.

Catching up

Watched TV programmes on wars of the Roses and Elizabethan England and Story of the Jews. Citizen Khan very funny.

George Benjamin

Finally watched Written on Skin from ROH - music by George Benjamin and very dramatic.

Quiet Friday

I swam 18 on Wednesday - had a short lie-in today and watched 2 programmes on London Zoo and excellent programme on William Tyndale by Melvyn Bragg. I have caught up on Tablets but unusually new one not come this morning. Sent off service sheets to Erica Argyle and Jenny Gandar and photo to Erik Bjornsgaard.