Christ the King

To St Chad's to put up the Catenian banners early and leave leaflets in the porch. Discovered Mass intention for our deceased brothers not in newsletter so rang Fr Bartholomew and Bill who spoke to Fr David and sorted it but I was furious! Fr Paul noticed so I told him. Ran through Stay awake! Played Crown Imperial not very well, last part was better at the end of the service. Got back to St Chad's as people were coming out so gave out some leaflets but impossible to get into the hall for the fete. Derrick and Sheila were there - not helping of course. Colin could not come so a pathetic turnout. To Victoria and met Liz - train from East Croydon very crowded. To Sion centre for discussion on ethics between Michael Barnes and Anil Goonewardene a Buddhist. Met a lovely nun from Hanwell. Delivered mosaic to Brian just before Mass at cathedral for end of Year of Faith - he was deacon. Home to hear Britten Noyes Fludde from Aldeburgh. Programme on Morecambe and Wise.


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