Brain and the mysteries of music

I was early so coffee at Caffe Nero and apricot croissant - very nice! Lovely playing from John Webber at St John Goose Green. Good to chat to Richard Pilliner and an organist from Paisley. To Brockwell Park to give out info for Faiths together at Lambeth country show - very hot! Lambeth country show is a real ordeal especially for families!  Daniel Levitin on the mysteries of music in the Brain. Fascinating! The first BBC Prom lecture which was held at the Royal College of Music and I heard it later on radio. Quite true that the music yu hear up to 12 influences you and then from 12 to 16 you deide what you like. Timbre and pitch is fascinating too - how come the organ can sound like a cello or a violin? Tea at Marks and got wine for the birthday boys tomorrow. Fr Andrew at mass - he tends to rise slightly in pitch! Excellent prgramme on Melvyn Bragg on TV. 


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