
Showing posts from April, 2016

Gerry Hughes

A most interesting day at Heythrop with Fr Gerry Hughes SJ for ACTA A Call to Action Westminster. We do need change in the church so much!  David Standley and Martin Prendergast were there. Then to Bloomsbury Baptist for a delightful concert by the Scott brothers. Warsaw concerto beautifully played on piano and organ. Loved the animations. Pity I had to leave to get to Vespers and Mass. Only 4 servers. Fr Martin. Letter on Joy of Love from Cardinal Vincent. 


Swam 20. Did the final Cambridge handout. Practised piano and sang some Messiah arias.  Saw Rosie Gwilliam's pictures at Bankside gallery. Performing for the camera at Tate Modern rather disappointing - lots of black and white photos. Tea in Tate members room. . The Botticelli drawings for Dante's Divine Comedy at the Courtauld are simply stunning - not to be missed. To art and an extra hour as the room was not full so the portrait is nearly done.


Woke early and wrote an article for the Catenian provincial newsletter so only swam 18. To art and finished the Monet Poppies picture. Picked up Liz and to interfaith lunch - a large turnout so not much food left. Prem and his daughter were there from Chennai and Ken and Diana spoke about Sharing Perspectives. We were lucky - they never got to Hebron and Al Aqsa mosque. Home but workman never came to quote. Dropped into St John's but vestry locked so cushion still there. The tenor who sang in Messiah was rehearsing at the piano. To Meditatio for superb Duncan Mackintosh on Rumi. Good to see Graeme Watson and Briji. 

Provincial President

Swam 20 and did Catenian stuff at home. Installed as Provincial President for Province 7 of the Catenians last night. David Barrett the last Norwood brother to be PP in 1995/6 often encouraged me to c onsider offering to do this and I reckon he is chuckling in Heaven! My themes are friendship and youth and my charity is the Bursary a Fund. Let the fun commence!  The meeting was rather long - some people talk too much but we did get some decisions and change is in the air. Positive feedback afterwards and lots signed up for the weekend. I got back to Selhurst in time to get the train so got to Acton around 11.30.  Sean and I had a great time at ZSL London Zoo. Saw 2 lions, 1 tiger, 1 gorilla, aardvark, meerkats, komodo dragon, giant tortoise, monkeys, birds, etc. Mary Beard in a new series on Rome. Laugh out loud humour "I want my wife back"

Indian summers

Woke at 2.30 a.m. thinking about the outrageous Indian Summers episode which was far-fetched/ i do not believe that Ralph would have behaved like that in reaction to the dreadful maharajah who was way out of line. To swimming (Max there but nothing said) mosaic (Linda helped a lot) and tai chi -  we did a new hopping sequence! To Catenian council at Kevin's. I went by bus and was early so sketched the windmill. 


Today is my last Sunday morning "off" before St John Caterham from next week. I did consider going up to the Temple church or even the Shakespeare walk but I'm glad I didn't in view of the marathon crowds. I realy enjoyed the service at St John Upper Norwood and we sang Sumsion in F and Lloyd Webber Sing the life, National anthem and Jerusalem!! I need to find the quote but Alexander McCall Smith hs something about our patriotism being influenced by what we ate for breakfast as a child! Maybe something in that? The children like  the idea of a new tree in memory of their grandparents - Dennis wants two! At evensong we sang Noble in B minor and Greater love with Liz singing the solo. Bridget conducted and Fr John played - toccata and fugue in D minor at the end. Watched the Queen, marathon, Indian summers and Antiques roadshow. 

Grangewood Park

To the AGM of Friends of Grangewood Park. Impressed by the committee's enthusiasm and ideas - 47 joined this year. To Widmore Road URC Bromley for organists composite recital. I played Walton 3 pieces from Richard III. We had Rowley, Vierne, JSB, Pachelbel, Vierne, Bedard. Vespers and Mass at the cathedral then to Clapham Picturehouse for the outstanding RSC Shakespeare celebration. You name they were in it! Twice this week I have gone out without my right hand hearing aid. This is because of the bad habit f only putting one in to go swimming! I am still waiting for a hearing test.


To British library for Shakespeare in 10 acts - great exhibition but a severe lack of places to sit down. Why stand for 2 minutes watching a video? To the Foundling museum which has a small exhibition of children in books and the fine Handel collection. Regent Street in the rain for oil painting class and then to St Mark Hamilton Terrace for excellent concert in aid of Great Ormond street hospital by Ashley Grote and Tansy Castledine. She remembered  Bruce Woodhouse . Nice chat to Maurice Merrall and I introduced him to Ashley.

The Queen is 90

Swam 20 - no sign of Max! To art and worked on copying Monet Poppies. Liz went to West Wickham and waited 40 minutes to be picked up. Looked up blog about Thornton Heath art project. Printed off the Catenian presentations and framed them. Look good. To Whitechapel East London mosque for launch of book Angry white people.3 good speakers especially the man from France. Good to see Juber. Home to watch the programme for the Queen's 90th birthday.

Sheikh Ramzy

Did not go swimming. Did Wild Goose Qi Gong with youtube as Tony suggested and rather like it.   To Gate cinema to see Roberto Devereux from the Met. Great production and singing but they do go on a bit! 10 minutes to say farewell! Donizetti so often has a cheery tune at moments of crisis. To. V and A for Undressed and then the lovely Wildlife photography at Natural history museum. Mediaeval gallery at V and A always a joy! Met Rosie from tai chi. She has two pictures at Bankside gallery next week. Posh tea and waffle at Le Pain Quotidien and then to oil painting class.To Tamar's and after lunch at Watermans we went to the park. Sunny but cold wind. Am enjoying Isabel Dalhousie novel by Alexander McCall Smith. To interfaith group and Sheikh Ramzy gave an impassioned address supporting Pope Francis. 10 there. I bought Amoris Laetitiae. Then to Conversations at SGI - 9 came including Ishmael who is Muslim converting to Orthodox Jew! 


We both went swimming. Only did 10 as when I went into the fast llane Max bumped into me. This led to a heated argument and I pointed out to the manager that swimmers must swim in circles. In effect by going in lanes others are excluded. It was all annoying and upsetting. To mosaic and tai chi and then returned books to Balham and met Mike Cornford. He did not know about Ian and David Parker. To Croydon Town Hall and hold a banner for presentation of petition to save the Fairfield. It was rejected. Watched Island parish and university challenge final won by Peterhouse. Peter Kay. 

Graeme Watson

Saturday to Meditatio ventre for excellent session on Easter and meditation with Eileen McDade and Graeme Watson. Only 5 there. To vespers and Mass with Fr Michael. Worth Abbey consort sang well. In evening dress as straight to Beckenham's dinner. The MP for Beckenham spoke very well about being a soldier in Bosnia. A good meal and lots of enthusiasm about the provincial weekend. Home late and woke early.  Played at St John Caterham. As we sang Brother James Air I played Harold Darke's lovely meditation on the tune and Gordon Slater's Easter Alleluias. Very positive meetng with Gerry and Jill who sadly is going to Wiltshire in May.  Enjoyed playing for evensong at St John Caterham Brewer in D Blessed be the God and Father. Philip Moore on St Fulbert, Walton March and Elegy from "Richard III" and Willan on Gelobt sei Gott with tuba. Delicious beef and Yorkshires for lunch. 


To Addiscombe for the funeral of Richard Siepka. It ws well attended and Fr Joe greeted me. The Foleys and Mike Nestor were there. Antony Sisley played badly - he does not use music and he makes that lovely organ sound the same! We waited in the hall for the crematorium party to return and enjoyed lunch. They are a great family. A  200 mile trip to Dover group's (all 3 of them plus wives) meeting. A delightful Chinese and English meal at Jim and Haini Duck's  and we stayed at Seabrook House which is excellent. We visited Walmer Castle, Samphire Hoe and Sissinghurst Castle. Walmer has a lovley setting and much about the Duke of Wellington and a lovely Queen Mother's garden and tulips. We had tea and cake. It was windy and wet and Samphire and the same at Sissinghurst but saw the book conservation in progress (£20 a book!) and climbed the tower. Had a cream tea. Home by 3.15 so 2 letters from my MP! 


To art and good progress. Nelson has not been to the Hermitage! Wednesday took SeĂ¡n to Tamar's session and he enjoyed it.Lysander was joining in! To Kew for lunch (Sean ate most of my chicken) and he played indoors. I finished Alexander McCall Smith The Limpopo academy of private detection which seems familiar but is not listed in books I have read. Chocolate icecream cones. Evensong from Hereford cathedral. To Dulwich Catenian meeting and Duncan became a joint member. Proms prospectus came and the photo frames.


Woke at 3.30 and 6.30 so no swim. Mosaic and good progress. 7 at tai chi which was mostly exercises and some line dancing!  To Balham library.  Home to watch Island parish, University challenge, Come dine with me. Some Prommers have got the prospectus and price has gone up and family Proms are not included in the season. Still good value. Practised on piano for Sunday. Watched Grantchester. Tuesday swam 20. A lovely day but spent the time doing Catenian secretary's report, Cambridge visit plan and guide and starting reading Alexander McCall Smith. To meditation at St John's and met a Buddhist. Having trouble watching young musician paino final on Iplayer.

A quiet Sunday

To Mass at Anerley and Fr Stuart preached really well.CiarĂ¡n was doing his lego model. The family came to pick him up and go to GoApe at Battersea Park - much rejoicing! Caught up on TV - treasures of the Indus, Anglo Saxons and the Wests on Stratford canal. Evensong from Blackburn. Senior school choir semi-final - brilliant singing! A good concert at St John's by St Bartholomew's orchestra well conducted by Florent de Bazelaire. Beethoven 4 well played by Aya Kawabata. Dvorak and Mozart 39. Watched the Durrells, Indian summers and Antiques roadshow.

Isle of Wight

Set off on Wednesday early and got to Portsmouth early for the ferry so enjoyed a visit to the cathedral. David Price was teachng some organists to play hymns and there were some lovely paintings on display. The cathedral looks great! Good crossing to Fishbourne and met the Duceys. To Channel View Hotel where we had a good meeting with Gill. Brendan and Alice were impressed! We went down to the beach to play crazy golf and CiarĂ¡n won. The food was excellent throughout the week and the service outstanding. Nice sunny room and we slept well although Ciaran developed a cough for which we got some mixture. Swam morning and evening in the indoor pool. Thursday to Osborne House and walked to the Swiss cottage  and loved the children's things. To Albert Cottage hotel which is lovely. By contrast Ryde castle hotel awful. Isle of Wight steam railway excellent especially Train story. Friday to Carisbrooke castle and saw the donkeys and up the keep, also Charles I's room. Interesting mu...


An interesting morning at the Horniman museum with CiarĂ¡n at the Horniman museum doing the bug hunt in the meadow, the Dinosaur families exhibition, aquarium and animal section. Went to Acton to collect goggles and NT card for CiarĂ¡n. Plaintive SeĂ¡n "Mummy where's CiarĂ¡n?" To session with Nelson and good progress. 


To mosaic and progress slow as had to change some colours. 9 at tai chi. To Balham library and Jeremy showed me the refurbished toilets and hall floor. Got mousetraps at Emertons. Liz took CiarĂ¡n to Chislehurst caves. Dennis came for supper and took me to Catenians. I handed over as secretary and marketing so only have one hat now - provincial councillor! Sorry to learn Richard Siepka had died. 

John Pritchard

I played at St John Caterham. We sang Fairest Lord Jesus by Martin How. Played I know that my redeemer liveth and Worthy is the Lamb, Michael Fleming's Noel nouvelet and George Guest on St Fulbert. Excellent address by  Anne-Marie Garton  locking the church doors and talking about being a persecuted Christian. How feeble is the excuse "Can't come to church we have visitors coming"! Bring them along! Not very keen on the worship songs! I skipped the practice which Jill took to get to St Paul's early for e xcellent talk at St Paul's by John Pritchard retired Bishop of Oxford on keeping Easter through the year. Wonder why we don't make more of Easter at home e.g. an Easter garden, yellow and white streamers, simple gifts. Junior choirs on Songs of Praise. More emails about Malta and Dover! Paul O'Grady and Salvation Army. Michael Portillo on the Easter rising very interesting.Picked up Louise and CiarĂ¡n. Liz baked peanut butter bread and delicious rolls....

Sir Peter Maxwell Davies

Liz went to see Clare. I practised on the piano including the Elgar Vesper voluntaries two of which Peter played yesterday. Watched the rest of the tribute to Max. Designed Catenian presentation and ordered photo frames. Hannah arrived at Clare's and asked for a lift to Mass (!) so instead of going on the train, I drove up. It poured coming home and we went on a windy route. Fr Brian preached really well. Watched the end of Quartet - lovely film and booked for the night at Hythe. Paul O'Grady and the Salvation Army is a good series.

Peter Chester

Swam 20.  Bravo to Peter Chester for excellent playing at St George Beckenham and Howells Rhapsody no 3. Watched Mastermind final and lots of emails about Catenians. The Grand President will come to the dinner on June 3rd. To art with Nelson and layer 3. I saw the mouse n the lounge again - yuk!