Edward Tambling

To St George's Hanover Square for Edward Tambling's fine recital including Dom Gregory Murray's homage to Delius then to the Royal Academy Hockney portraits. Considering he is our greatest living draughtsman they are remarkably similar and after a while I realised how dead the faces were. Reason - no lights in the eyes just black splotches with some exceptions. Compared to Singer Sargent's portraits these are just decorative. 
Early at the hall and enjoyed the film of Dame Myra Hess playing Bach and Beethoven in 1954. The Missa Solemnis was spoilt by orchestral and especially organ overload. Stuart Skelton was great but too often the tenors and inner parts got lost in a general sound. The later movements were better. How one missed the hushed amazement of "Et incarnatus est" and "Crucifixus" as Giulini interpreted it. Nice to see Mary Rouse and Martin Barry's mother but surely latecomers could be admitted to the Prom?


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