West Malling

A lovely day for Provincial President's Sunday at West Malling with Bishop Paul Mason. Everything went so well and the music was much appreciated. About 60 came. Lovely to have the whole family there. Watching the lovely Prom of Mozart, Haydn and Faure King's college Cambridge choir correctly dressed but why are the male soloists and orchestral male players in open neck shirts? Probably hot!
Much as I love the sound of King's choir I do think that their general facial expression is so bland. You cannot sing about fear and trembling in the face of final judgement looking like that and I wonder if English choirs often try to copy this sort of face and hence do not convey the music well? Superb treble soloist and when he gets a bow he smiles. Only the large Oscar Wilde lookalike bass and one of the tenors seemed to have any facial expression at all! I think one must know what you are singing about and not rely on the voice alone to convey the expression. Look at the wonderful soprano soloist's face! Oz Clarke said he did not really "get" the Faure requiem as a 12 year old. But surely he "gets" it now? Why have him there at all if he cannot illuminate the music? Big surprise Clare is expecting in October! Good chat to Ann at 4.30 a.m. Oz time! Excellent programme on Danny Boyle's planning for the opening of the London olympics. Had a shower it was so hot and sticky.
Monday 8 a.m. returned glasses to Balham Waitrose. Liz got up to take Bruce to Croydon at 5 a.m. to return to Jersey.


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