Exhibitions and Satie

Swam, turned mattress. Colour and vision at Natural History museum fascinating - some animals can see more colours than we can! Excellent Satie cabaret prom at Cadogan and perfect for sketching! Painters' paintings at National Gallery some lovely pictures but most of it is Nat Gallery stuff which one can normally see for free! A fine prom from BBC Phil conducted by Storgards. Schumann violin concerto, Sibelius and Nielsen 5 with stunning playing from the percussion! Jorg Widmann Armonica not to my taste. Pre-Prom talk with Sir Robin Knox-Johnston Shakespeare and the sea. Miserable night and train delayed again. First score disaster - wrong Schumann score! John tells me Fr Martin Plunkett, a rabbi and an imam were interviewed outside the cathedral and on the TV news on Sunday - excellent!


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