
Today we had a long reading about Creation and Fr Jerry preached well on the Gospel which for some reason leaves out the vital section before about serving God or wealth. Last week he gave us a memorable analogy from "Who wants to be a millionaire?" You can choose 50/50, Ask the audience or Phone a friend. How often do we "phone" our Friend Jesus? 
We sang Martin How's "Fairest Lord Jesus" and I played Andrew Moore's Prelude on "Bread of heaven" and Andrew Fletcher's Impromptu. I also learnt and played a new piece Tuba tune by Andrew Moore - it has a nice interplay between tuba and trumpet only possible on a 3 manual. At Evensong played Thiman and Christopher Tambling on Slane and Rosalie Bonighton on St Denio. 3 in congregation. Choral Evensong from Queens Oxford included John Scott anthem, Noble and Francis Jackson sonata finale. Watched pottery and painting challenge. Eating up remains of baby shower food. 
Wrote to John Varney about not deputising. Call the midwife moved me to tears. It was very touching to see the orphan son adapting to a new life. 


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