Returning home

Got back OK from Barcelona. It was an early start to get the coach at 8.30 so we missed Mass at 8. Long wait at the airport and it was true security was chaotic. Nothing much to do apart from a cafe, duty free and one shop. Train and taxi from Gatwick. Home at 3.30 p.m. tired. Unpacked. To Dennis and AnnMarie for dinner and Tasmanian apple cake. Henry sitting up and trying to crawl. Watched 2 episodes of Victoria which is excellent. Monday to mosaic (I was late as I put the Ocado shopping away) forgot to take glue.They are off to Ravenna.  Fr John gave me lovely bread and would like to come to the party. To St Martin Ludgate for concert by Maria Thomas playing the lovely Poulenc oboe sonata. Jim Wells sang Faure - not sure it worked singing in French about sensuality. Julian Cable played the piano very well and a good audience including 10 gallery prommers and supporters. Good flautist as well. The Telemann worked well. They know each other through the Hampstead music club. To Beckenham Catenians and Mike from Isle of Wight told me about the Panama canal and Coloma knocking down hostels. Tuesday to Mass but loop not on Got dishwasher salt.
Highlights of the trip Alhambra, Cordoba, Montserrat, Fatima. Low point cafe in Salamanca and Gibraltar!. Need now to transcribe diary. Liz got new printer working. 


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