
We sang "There's a wideness in God's mercy" Maurice Bevan's tune fits the words perfectly. I played Thiman Postlude on Harwood's Thornbury and my own tribute to Newman part of the Prelude and Angel's farewell from Gerontius. I have lost two friends recently Eileen McDade and Philip Chandler RIP. Each has their own angel to bring them safely home. Folake did not come - we had gifts for her as she had said she was leaving! Reader starts reading then tries again with another bit of letter to Timothy. Jerry points to correct reading so she says "third time lucky!" love it! A really lovely evensong at St John's. Liz was the only soprano and sang Dyson beautifully.  Richard is excellent and encourages relaxed singing. We also sang Pitoni Cantate domino and O thou who camest from above. Psalm 148 to Anglican chant, It was all so enjoyable! Louise and the boys have arrived.


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