
Who ever heard of an opera requiring 6 tenor leads? Rossini Armida with Renee from the Met. Lovely ballet. Did coronavirus survey. Fisher House Mass. More photos found! Father Brown, Come dine with me, started Globe MND 2013. Lovely dinner chicken. Peach and amaretto dessert. Bake off and House through time was excellent. Semiramide from Met (Facebook trying to change this to demoralize!) Great costumes and bel canto. I would love ROH to stream this with Joyce Didonato which I missed. Meditatio session a good break. 3 zooms, Israel and Palestine talk, mass from Shanklin with Anna Johnstone singing beautifully. Isle of Wight 600th meeting. Put on a tie for first time in 12 weeks! Felt very odd! Day began with a bible study on Jesus ending the storm Mark 4 with Caterham folk, Fisher House.


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