Trinity Sunday

A good start with organ and Holy, holy, holy from the cathedral and Fr Daniel 's homily. Zoom discussion at Caterham remembered Penny Veness who had Covid and sadly died. Also travel and racism.You tube Upper Norwood The God of Abram praise. How shall I sing that majesty.Beautiful reading from Isaiah. Anne-Marie Garton excellent sermon. You tube St John Caterham. Posted piano pieces on Vater unser and Bach. A most stimulating homily from Mgr Mark at Fisher House. Looked up reviews of Otello from Met. It definitely detracts from the drama and Shakespeare if Othello is white. There have been black tenors who have sung the role. Death Cafe was very good but  smaller group. How good to hear the organ at the cathedral after Vespers St Anne fugue.An excellent lesson with Nelson on painting a nude, More episodes of Shistiel. 
Monday Salcombe and Fr Daniel gave us an interesting translation of "Blessed are the meek" those who keep their sword in the scabbard and never use it. So they stay calm and still and leave it to God. Back to chair exercises. Massenet Thais with Renee And Thomas Hampson 2008, Jesus Lopez Cobos conducting. Fisher House. Tablet has some excellent articles this week. Phoned Legal and General about policy. Car would not start unsurprisingly. 


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