John Rayer

 So sad John Rayer died. Offered to play and serve but we may be away. Anne replied. Miss Betchetti also died. She was head at St Chad's school. Wrote article about Season of creation for Oremus and sent quotes and information. Excellent zoom with CAFOD on their food chain programme. Not many there. Bruce is resting after a horrendous night. Home at 3.45 a.m. I have been busy moving my organ music out of the hall cupboard to the cupboard next to the piano and on the hottest day of the year! Bruce moved the shelves for me. It is shocking how much food we import. What is worse is exporting pesticides banned in this country to poorer countries where people are poisoned by them. This is appalling. Wrote to Lord Deben about Walk2Cop27 event. Green Party hustings. The rack where we hang swimming bags under the stairs was loose so I screwed it in. Once I hung the bags up it promptly collapsed! It's been there since the house was built I reckon! B. Sm and S. Balham chaps. Green party hustings.

Tuesday up at 6 to find Bruce's flight cancelled and going for 5 p.m. What a saga! Swim. Hoovered and eventually B, SM and S after taking Liz to station to go to St Vincent's school. Listed contents of fridge and freezers. We have enough veg steamers to feed an army! Hot. Essex folk on the Archie case. Bruce left after me. To David Lean cinema for the first time to see Benediction which is very moving. Poetry, story and RVW music and the final scene is sublime. Met Margaret Tobin and Kath who goes to St Matthew's. Green party hustings for deputy leader.

Wed Liz to Guy's. Swam. No SM! B and S. Faith action on cost of living crisis. Back playing up just about managed to do bins and put washing out. Abandoned going to concert at Purley. Hot day again. Supervision group zoom quite good. Sitting quietly for 2 hours on dining room chair helped back. We got to see The Southbury child at the Bridge theatre. Excellent. Good meal at the Coal Shed. I parked at NJ and paid for an hour. Missed stop on bus but walked to Coal Shed from Tower Bridge itself. We were in back row on raised seats and moved forward a row at interval. I did miss quite a few of the jokes but second half was much better. Back was bad walking to bus stop. Feels like it is going to give way - it's a spasm which passes off. Paracetamol helps!

Slept OK and swam - some back twinges when in the pool. SM and S. Hot again. John Rayer funeral date is fine - day after we come back from Suffolk. New canvases came so started 3 at art! SM sacred music. A stimulating afternoon. Dan came. Animators very lively and forum on LSi and schools including Maureen on the platform and Sr Margaret. Minutes done - nothing on TV!

Friday saw Dr Roberts at 7.50 a.m. Pleased about my 3 hospital appointments. Bazooka on verrucas for 3 months then treated with nitrogen again. Swept garden. Unacc exercises with Triniti. Membership for me £20 a year. To pharmacy. Lords debate on the climate bill live. Watched talk about Where are the voices for the earth? Sir Patrick Vallence presentation to the MPs on climate. Disturbing facts. Sir Mo Farah was trafficked - a moving film. Green peers on zoom. Bruce is positive! Not good. We are both negative. Liz working in garden. Verdi requiem first night of the Proms on TV. All the soloists were good especially Jennifer Johnson and Masabane but the bass had no expression in his face. A strange choice for the first night. Judi Dench tribute.


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