
 Sm from Amersham, S and B. To Riverside winds at St John's. Good I left at 12 as traffic was bad - there was a match. A family came to have a go on the organ at Caterham and I practised which was good. Church cold! Dropped off old specs at opticians in Sanderstead. Got TV in lounge working - the aerial was in the wrong hole! Still the dining room one to sort out and lounge ornaments to go back. Bedroom all done. To Streatham Hill and crib grotto up and trees in place. Very nice but where's the big surprise at Christmas! Fr Valentine wants me to play 2 short voluntaries offertory and communion. 

Sunday played Peeters on Wachet auf and Martin How's Advent prelude. We sang Glenn Rudolph's Veiled in darkness - lovely top notes from Lynda and Linda and we had the descant for Longing for light as well. Met with Susan Gibbin and I will liaise with Jerry about the music planners on his laptop. To Roehampton club for a lovely delicious lunch with Rosemary and Joyce who is 91! The magician was excellent and had us all fooled. Balloon man as well. The boys were on good form. I often think how kind Rosemary is. More episodes of The Crown - thought the Romanovs episode was very gruesome. Antiques roadshow. 

Monday swim. It was quiet! To Clapham Junction to rescue my mosaics and saw Linda. 2 bags to carry. Coffee at Costa East Croydon then to New Addington parkway. Libby is very nice and she did a scan. Only 75mm left in bladder so the plan is to monitor it with scans in the New Year. Self catherisation could lead to infections so try to avoid it for the moment and it is really not needed! Liz picked me up at Sandilands. Put stuff back in the lounge and the rest of it upstairs as Christmas stuff will be put out soon. I am leaving a space for the 4 framed portraits in the New Year. Joy Lawrence died today - a very sad loss - she was always such a ray of sunshine. Veronica Kearsley has died - a special person. Only connect, Mastermind, University challenge, Christmas Univ challenge was last year's, Repair shop.

Tuesday swim. Amanda rang - I missed the call! To the nativity at St Andrew's school. Henry was the tallest angel. Met Ag about Saturday. Henry came home with us and enjoyed himself. St Paul's Paula and Lucy discussing Christmas. More of the Crown. Good that the family will come to us on Boxing Day. 

Wed. swim. Lovely chat to Clare. To Barclays at Beckenham to get cash for carpet fitters - took ages. Saw Joe from the Chancery. Took paint pots to Men in Sheds. To cathedral and emptied locker - nice chat to Anthony. To Vaughan House excellent meeting with Colette and Paolo from Turin. What we watched Christmas 1979. R and B Prof Tom.

Thursday thick frost. Set off early to get to C and W early. Receptionist very apologetic. The invite was not from Ann and a mistake. I got back to Selhurst to pick up the car. Cheltenham prayer with Sr Zoe. Watched Scottish laity network first Advent talk about Ethiopia. Excellent LSIUK meeting. First Harry and Meghan film. SLN on Lampedusa. Installed new personal alarm. Last days of Dodie Fayad. Question time is Britian broken? Well Yes. 

Very cold so no swim. To UNACC and last session with Trinity for this year. It is a bit silly to expect you to pay for croissants when you are giving them away with bread! Booked for lunch next Friday. Moved Discovering art and some boxes into Bruce's room. Getting public speaking stuff together to hand it over. Could not get turntable up the stairs. Cut carpet pieces for lounge. Christmas tree up. Liz baked cakes for tomorrow's fair. Took Clare's boarding pass to her. To Oval Tavern for Croydon Climate action Christmas vegan meal and party. Very nice but got  bit noisy We went on buses. Frankfurt opera Christmas Eve by Rimsky-Korsakov. 


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