
I've had toothache and the dentist has given me antibiotics and Liz has an infection near her eye so she has cream and antibiotics. I've been wearing my hearing aids at work - my ears get a bit sore after 4 or so hours but I think this is one place where I do need them as people tend to speak softly in the library. Well at least some do!


Peter Simpson said…
Hope the ailments soon ease off - I prefer to suffer during Lent than during Eastertide!

It is amazing how well antibiotics can work. I was beside myself with toothache a few years ago, but after a couple of days on penicillin felt much better.

Still the eventual bill from the dentist for the treatment on the tooth did hurt!
Toothache all gone Peter! Osteopath liekly to discharge me tomorrow. Swam 34 lengths again today so life is good!

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