Imam and Bishop

On Sunday afternoon there was a remarkable public meeting at the Fairfield Hall, Croydon between the Imam of Croydon, Qasim Ahmad and his friend Nick Baines, Anglican Bishop of Croydon. There was a good size audience mostly middle class white but a fair number of Muslims. It was very brave of both of them to invite open questions and there was only one extremist query. One woman asked about the status of Muslim women but this was deferred to the next encounter. Among those present were the vicar of Croydon, Colin Boswell, Fr Donald from St Michael's, West Croydon (with biretta) and Canon Collins from St Mary's RC, West Croydon. It is impossible to summarise such a wide ranging discussion. The Imam told us there were 400o people attending his mosque. The local chief of police commented that the media gave a distorted picture of Croydon.The Imam said that Islam is a way of life and Muslims pray 5 times a day. They give 2 and a half % of their savings to the poor and go on Haj once in a lifetime.For every difference we have 10 similarities. He spoke of freedom of speech.
The bishop spoke of the need to know people not a book.He commended Rowan Williams' excellent address "What is Christianity?" given in Islamabad. This was in fact the only Christian literature available whereas there were plenty of Muslim brochures.
The bishop spoke of the cross of vulnerability rather than of power. There are 250 Faith networks in the UK. He does not want Christianity judged by the excesses of a place like Northern Ireland. In the same way we should not judge Islam by the excesses of the few. It is human to be fearful about difference and we need courage to face tribalism like that which occurred in the most Christianised country in Africa, Rwanda. We must not forget the suffering of Christians in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Sadly many Islamic countries do not allow free speech.
The Imam commented that Christians are also a minority. A Jew suggested that Muslims ask Jewish people for advice about being a minority. 2% of the population are Muslim - 1.8 million people in UK. But 23% of the prison population is Muslim - 8000 people. many Muslims see an equation between Western society and Christianity. We need to persuade the secularists. The Bishop spoke of Kairos and seeing from the other's point of view. A most stimulating event and a new interest for me!


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