Paul and "Be not afraid"

Woke at 4 a.m. so put on internet to see Barack Obama has been elected which is historic and amazing! Watched on Iplayer an excellent account of 100 years of Mills and Boon seen through 3 different stories. Spoke to Ann - they enjoyed the wedding in Tassie and Mark joined them there. He may come over here next year.
To cathedral on buses for 5th session on Paul - we talked about Paul's positive view of death and keeping one's mind on heavenly things. 8 came. There were over 20 at the spirituality day to hear Canon Christopher on "Be not afraid". I was a little disappointed. He came late, did not stay for lunch, was with us for 30 minutes and then did not return for the interesting feedback session. Henrietta was late as usual and talked too much! Fr Christopher relied on personal testimony which was interesting. He listed 4 fears - physical, fear of not coming up to the mark, fear of being found out and fear of the future and death. There might be a parallel with the disciples not recognising Christ walking on the water with Emmaus and post-Resurrection appearances. Everyone very impressed by the brochure for the Holy Land pilgrimage. Saw Sr Campion briefly - she is moving in 2 weeks from her almshouse.
Returned home to pack.
Returned home to pack.


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