Busy, busy!

Thursday to the power station to see the latest plans. I stressed the need for a library and 33% of the survey supported the idea. An ideal location would be near the new tube station and on the main road. The plans look feasible and include a new park on the river and lots of water features. To volunteers Mass at the cathedral so there were loads of servers - we were acolytes. Nice reception in the hall afterwards and we slipped away to go to chorus. Introduced Liz to Virginia and met some more people. I was full of cold and so we sat upstairs and didn't sing! In fact I was sleepy. Friday did 20 lengths and got some paracetamol cold tablets and to the town hall. All went well and talked also about new developments. Only 4 at choir practice so finished early. Did ironing while watching Apprentice and programme on poetry. Bruce arrived as he was going to a wedding at Chessington. That was a nice surprise. Rats seen in garden - ugh! Doctor Dennis says whisky thins the blood!


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