Organists dinner

Sat 6 June continued. To West Wickham for the annual organists dinner. As President I had to make a speech and focused on change and the Holy Spirit as joy. Scott Farrell from Rochester was an excellent guest and Canon Colin Boswell from Croydon parish church delightful. The meal was good too. Martin How and Harry Bramma were there. Really enjoyed it. Loved the story about the 2 brothers who became admiral and bishop. Bishop to Admiral on station (both in full rig): "Tell me my man what time is the next train to Epsom?" Admiral to bishop "I have no idea madam and ought you to be travelling in that condition?"
Train stops outside station but man in bowler hat, suitcase and umbrella gets out of one side of the carriage. Minutes later bowler hat returns, then suitcase, the umbrella. Man climbs in brushes himself down pickes everything up and promptly gets out on other side of carriage!


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