Vigil of St Paul and Prices candle factory

Saturday June 27th after Mass there was a Taize vigil to mark the end of the year of St Paul with Archbishop Vincent giving an excellent homily. I felt the Taize went on just a tad too long although the msuic was well done. One of the cantors was not so good. We left before the end as I had not had any dinner! Sunday Liz was at St Michael's Bedford Park Chiswick for the Haydn Harmoniemesse for St Peter and Paul and lunch which she enjoyed although her name was not in the service sheet. Alan Foden from school days had indicated he might visit me but could not come in the end.
Tuesday June 30th the end of the Wandsworth heritage festival which was a hige success and to York library for Jon Newman's talk on the history of Price's candle factory. I bought his book and after reading it donated it to the library. I was fortunate to go on one of the last tours of the factory.


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