Catenians and organists

Monday to Beckenham circle arriving late - found a good way tube to Stockwell, tube to Brixton, train to Beckenham junction. Long chat to John Parker was GLC architect.
Meryl has been twice to look at selfissue positioning and take photos for possiboe refurb. Tuesday off at 2 after more weeding. Picked up Harry Mellor and drove to Redlibbets golf club near Sevenoaks for provincial council meeting. New PP Peter Stevens urged us to be more professional and then waffled on and gave summaries of reports submitted by people sitting there. I got my raffle prize of wine and miniature for 3 years - how long as this sentence?
Wed lie-in and spoke to Ann at length. To St Michael's for Gary Sieling's recital of anniversaries - Stanley Vann, Schumann, Boyce, Wesley. Liz shopped and joined me. Mackerel for lunch. Wrote article for Oremus about interfaith group and rang synagogue. To see Ciarán and he rolled over from back to front for first time. Louise off to Whitney Houston concert. We went to cathedral to hear David Briggs play his transcription of Mahler 5 - stunning playing but a lot of reeds used in string passages - followed miniature score - it tended to obscure detail. Met the Hawkins and Ann and Terence and Adrian - a good audience. Watched Tutu talk on aid. Evensong was from St John's Cambridge.


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