Reading group and Easter week

The Balham library reading group are pretty lively. Once they had stopped talking about politics we talked about "Travels with Herodotus" which only 3 liked. I have now finished "Homeland" by Clare Francis which is excellent and also read Alexander McCall Smith's latest on Botswana - always a pleasure.
Wednesday to spirituality day on the Resurrection with Fr Michael Dunne which was excellent. He gave us 7 questions to ponder.
Friday Wendy Perriam came with Meryl and her book set in Balham library will be launced there in Sept and she will come to November reading group to discuss it. No choir on Friday and Louise and Ciarán were here for the weekend. I had to work Saturday but finished early to get to Vespers and Mass. Fr Kingsley and Simon Lloyd playing. David Greely was there too as the Lassus scholars had come from Dublin. Ciarán loves to smile at me and is growing well.
Had a rare treat of a Sunday off. Visited Grandma and she came to lunch of lamb and pavlova with raspberries. I took them home.


Edbowie said…
Lovely to hear Simon and David again at the cathedral. Simon's recital on Sunday was simply stunning. One of Eschaih's sketches and two impros, the second of which was breathtaking. Simon is a rare talent indeed. - Ed

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