
Another very hot day at work on Saturday but found basement quite cool so sorted out queries down there! Ciarán behaved impeccably - his first night away from Mum! The move went fine. Took Bruce out for a drive around the lake area and he in fact drove to Birmingham on Sunday! Coulsdon only 5 in choir so we sang Wesley's Lead me Lord and Bairstow setting again. Finlandia was much appreciated - Granddad's favourite. Straight to West Malling via M25, M26 and M20 - easy to find. Chat to Fr Peter Soper - says we need married clergy. Bishop John Hine super sermon. Anne played and her daughter played violin with Gerard cantoring. Good singing from the Catenians. Sat with the Barretts. Provincial president Peter appreciated my comments on email. Left at 4 and listened to Winchester cathedral evensong featuring Leighton and Elgar Give unto the Lord. I have finally finished Jon Cannon's "Cathedral" - lovely illustrations but his lack of Christian knowledge shows. Evensong at St John's - Howells Coll reg and O pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Kit played Faure at end. Returned cups and saucers. Liz had been at Louise's. Took Dennis to Brixton. Watched end of world cup final which Spain won. Ian Westley's choir was on Desert Island discs!


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