Eulogy for Grandma

• On a sunny day on the 1st August 1918, New castle upon tine Ethel and James Carlyle welcomed Violet Vera.

• At age 5 she moved with her family to Calgary in Canada where her sister Florence and brother Jimmy were born.

• In 1938 at the age of 19 she returned to London to work in what the family believed to be a hotel run by her aunt. This actually turned out to be the Wheatsheaf pub in Camden where fait intervened and she got a talking to a young 22 year old regular by the name of Brian.

• 2 years and a couple of pale ales later, they were married at Our Lady of the Angels in Bayswater and were inseparable/happily married for 57 years.

• During the war while granddad was in service she worked for the Women’s Home Defence and her favourite task was fire-fighting.

• Her daughter, our Mum was born in 1947 and Grandma spent many happy hours teaching her how to cook and sew. She was especially proud of her achievements in becoming a Queen’s Guide and a teacher. She was happy to see Mum marry Dad in 1974.

• Grandma worked at the Institute of British launderers and New London properties as a clerical assistant and was a keen member of St John Ambulance. She would be on duty at the Royal Albert Hall where Granddad was an honorary steward and they made a great team. Later what made them most proud were Mum and Dad joining them for the evening by performing on stage in the choir. They also enjoyed two fantastic trips to Canada.
• As her grandchildren, Dennis, Louise and I are blessed with many happy memories. Holidays at Oxford Gardens were always filled with fun, including baby Cham at Christmas, playing Octagons, trips to the Christmas windows, secret chocolate éclairs and even cooking with Mars Bars.

• She was so proud of us and our achievements. She was able to attend the weddings of Louise and Tom and Dennis and Ann-Marie and I always remember her smiling when she attended Dennis’s graduation. She was always hopeful that one day I would be married!

• After moving from Oxford Gardens to Glyn Close she always wanted to be independent and went to UNACC, Townswomen’s Guild and CVAB where she took up painting despite having macular disease and loss of hearing. Josie and her neighbours did so much to enable her to remain at home and she loved her long telephone calls and visits from her sister Florence.

• She was so thrilled to become a Great Grandma in December 2009 to Ciarán Edward and spent time with him whenever possible.

• The two visits to Buckingham Palace were very special. As Dad drove across the Mall the crowds were looking into the car and Dad remarked that this was the Queen’s long-lost aunt from Upper Norwood.

• Grandma led a very happy and fulfilling long life and today she would wish for us to remember happy memories and know that she is reunited with her beloved Brien.

• She was an amazing Grandma, Wife, Mum, sister and friend.

For Grandma, who in baptism was given the pledge of eternal life that she may now be admitted to the company of the saints.
Lord in your mercy
All Hear our prayer
For the doctors and nurses at King’s College hospital and for all the carers who looked after Grandma
Lord in your mercy
All Hear our prayer
For the family and friends of our sister Violet, that they may be consoled in their grief by the Lord, who wept at the death of his friend Lazarus
Lord in your mercy
All Hear our prayer


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