First essay

Went to Heythrop for Mass for All Saints day at 1.30 p.m. with a delightful priest smiling all the time - literally being the gospel he was preaching! Had a nice lunch. Did some more work on William James for the essay. At 5 met 3 others in the dining room including Michael the ex-diplomat. To Rahner room at 5.30 to find out how to submit essays. Looks straightforward. First lecture on the dreaded Charles Taylor A Secular age and it looks a huge tome so decided to buy it - got Amazon discount with student card £22. Chat to other students revealed that insider/outsider is not acceptable for the essay so spoke to Damian who apologised and confirmed it so all that work for nothing! Not a happy bunny. It seems that we are fortunate to have lecturers posting on Helios as some older lectureres will not use it so if you miss a lecture you have had it! I cannot understand why we do not have a tutorial before submitting the first essay especially for thsoe returning to study. Met Jordan in street and she agreed to fix the trousers left at the cathedral sacristy for her (she has been banned from there I reckon because she asks people for money). Saw Eric on the bus and got train to Acton. Had a beer as I was fed up. Sr Hilda is having chemo for stomach cancer at Marsden.


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