
Friday to St George's Beckenham for Norman Harper's recital. Super Liszt BACH and Wachet auf then hilarious hornpipe by Noel Rawsthorne and Departure of the Queen of Sheba by Paul Ayres - great jokes. Gave Mass music to Dorio who is still having problems with bullying priest and bishops have been! Liz went over to Chiswick and to Enfield for Swavek's induction. To St John's for recording of superb evensong by King's London - Vittoria and Bach. At choir Tony Trent came but no Karen or John. Janet went home sick. Oh dear. Saturday to Heythrop for Advent retreat Prof Richard Price Heythrop prof of theology on Augustine - I commented on the words from the Cross. Met Liz and she came for tea int he convent. Sr Hilda gravely ill. Talk on Marie Eugenie Assumptionist founder - a remarkable woman. To Vespers (late) and Downside Abbey school choir sang well at Mass - Bruckner, Christopher Tambling conducted by Edward, Byrd. Farewell party for Sr Bridget with some Irish singing. On train home hilarious train driver again - sit back and enjoy but don't put your feet on the seats a service of light refreshments will Not be served! Streatham otherwise known as St Reaham!


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