London Borough Faiths forum

Swam 24 and Liz came - water cold again the air conditioning was on! Worked on essay. Liz went to get flowers and served at Aid to the church in need Mass with Bishop Declan Lang. I went to St Alphege near Southwark station for the forum meeting. Useful exchange of news and met Julie Siddiqui, Barbara Kentish, Tim Clapton. Barry Mizen, Phil Rosenberg and Siriol were there too. To Tate Modern to see Damien Hirst but unimpressed - why would anyone pay good money for this stuff? Liked the butterflies room and the butterfly paintings but hated the diamond encrusted skull. Home to do more work and listened to The Choir - Peter Maxwell Davies work for choir and organ. I am now a local leader for London2012 and got my first Olympic flag today.


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