Peace walk

Liz to college. A hot day. To St Ethelburga's for the start of the Westminster Interfaith and then by train to Manor Park  - a very good turnout and good to see familiar faces and new ones including Heythrop students and young people. To Sri Muragan temple (Sri Lankan Hindu) which was pretty chaotic but we did get some food and drink then walked to Froud centre for lunch and St Michael's church. Good to see the Anglican priest who was at Muslim/Christian forum and impressed by their Bible/Qur'an joint study. Bus to Imamia mission which is Iraq/Syrian Shi'a then bus to Mile End with Melanie from Liz's class and to Bloomsbury Baptist for Marilyn Harper's recital. She wore a short dress 70s style!  She played Reinken, Sweelinck, Jane Joseph and Guilmant - left after first movement of the first sonata. Smoke vespers and Pentecost Vigil Mass with Fr Michael - me lending him an arm on the stairs. TV programme on Northern ballet.


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