Michael O'Leary

Swam 22 - woman in yellow cap insisted on going fast in our lane when she could have gone in fast lane! Some people! To Heythrop to see Michael Barnes and discussed essays and dissertation which is now Meister Eckhart and Buddhists: what appeals to Buddhists? Think I can cope with that. Chatted about opera and Giulini. Had a delightful lunch with Michael Redman - always an interesting chat. Worked in library on Eckhart reviews. No. 9 bus on a lovely sunny afternoon to Somerset House - a good exhibition on Becoming Picasso 1901 at the Courtauld and then a fine photography exhibition in the East Wing. Some amazing photos. To SS Anselm and Caecilia in Kingsway for Mass celebrated by the Archbishop for Michael O'Leary 50 years as server and diocesan award and 50 years of Guild at the church. Ian Coleman directed Mozart Spatzenmesse and Palestrina. Not sure his unaccompanied psalm setting worked for the congregation! Home to watch programme on Turner.


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