Humanist on spirituality

Swam 20 and Liz came. Chose a photo for next painting and sorted stuff for mosaic display. To Post Office to send off plugs to Paula. To St Michael's for Eleni's recital. While she played well it was nearly all loud and fast and needed some quieter contrast. I did a sketch of a candle bracket. I had not been in St Michael's for ages and it is good to see photos of people involved and some changes for the better. To Pret at Victoria to meet Teresa Whitney a PhD student from LSE from America who asked questions about the interfaith group and came to the meeting. There were 9 there and Jeremy Rodell did an excellent presentation on whether  you can be spiritual without being religious. He saw some overlap between the 2 and discussed Paul on body and spirit. We need to address evil and the soul/. I would argue for the heart affecting perceptions and not just a subjective reaction. To Westminster Abbey St Catherine's garden for wine and snacks but really needed some food! Council of Christians and Jews and met people from Kensington and Welwyn Garden City. Canon Stanton took us a on a tour of the Abbey - great to have it to ourselves and spotted lots of graves I had missed eg Sybl Thorndike, Noel Coward, Laurence Olivier, new C.S.Lewis memorial. Home by 10 and watched a bit of Windsor Castle film.


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