Chrism mass

Swam 20. To Chrism mass always a great occasion. Acolyte 6 and consecration torch 4. All went well but it was a long stand and kneel! Lovely Byrd Ave cerium with pp ending beautifully controlled. Haydn little organ mass and Bach at the end. To lunch and saw lots of old friends. To National portrait gallery for Sargent which was superb but too many people. The Wellington special exhibition was less crowded but a bit dull. Did a sketch of Frank Dobson head of Sitwell. To Chiswick Park for double session of oil painting and have no done second layer. Not so keen on using my fingers. To Acton Lou in New York, boys have bunk beds. Wed took Sean to Osterley for lunch and soft play. On the way in he spotted Thomas engine ride And that is where I found him after ordering food.


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