
Liz went for a swim and some woman was rude to her - she was chatting to her friend at the side of the middle lane! I went to hear Peter Wright at Grosvenor chapel - only 6 there. I enjoyed the Bach but the Leguay and Demessieux and Heiller rather left me cold. Nice to have a chat afterwards. Miserable day. To Provincial council at Swanley and Fergus got through the business very quickly blaming the weather. I was at Acton in good time. Wednesday to Tamar's and Sean joining in the song. At home he changed the word to Lion King song! Ciaran doing times tables in the car. I said You never stop learning even when you are 100. "What about when you are dead?" I said "Nobody knows but perhaps you keep learning when you go to heaven". We returned home early as Tom took the boys swimming. Ciaran starting Beavers. The webinar did not materialise. Chat to Malcolm Woodhouse about Frank - he has lots of material including the King's Penny and medals and watch! Ann rang so nice long chat. Catenian emails all done.


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