
Woke in the night dreaming I was in a church and everything was red. The apse and cross came towards me and I knelt and said "Stop Lord!" then woke up. What is that all about? I was thinking about Tony at tai chi talking (too much) about a higher being but who decides which of is is "right" in a dispute? So often I take the flight position and escape the situation but in the long term that may not be the right course. It was good to chat to Harry Bramma last night about Ivor and his preaching as Canon at Southwark cathedral. Doing more work on attaching old photos to the family tree. To Catenian council at Brendan's and then to Acton. Wednesday to Tamar's and Seán joining in with all of it. Took towels and clothes to Acton homeless concern and after lunch to Hinsley room. 15 came for the start of Laudato Si' series including some new faces. Archbishop Kevin on excellent form. William and I went to Brixton and had a coffee at Morleys and saw the David Bowie mural with many flowers. 7 came to conversations including 2 Cathars! Fascinating talking to Mina. Watched Windsor castle and Romanovs. 


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