
Took Seán to Gambado Beckenham while Liz sang at funeral at St John's. He had a great time and we had lunch there. Went on carousel and dodgems together. I finished reading Monks and Muslims and started on Laudato Si' again. He slept so went to mosaic workshop West Norwood to get framed wood for portrait mosaic and prepared photo of Seán for it. More research on war graves and where they are. Louise rang when he was coming out of the bath and he was very reluctant to sleep! Watched Dickensian. Saturday Dennis came down and watched Snowchick about penguins. Took Seán home - Louise had a good time in New York and brought Lego sets. Mass at Holy Redeemer Chelsea with the Canon Provost speaking beautifully and heard well  - lovely church, small organ, cross on altar obscures view of priest! Watched programme on Goya and Father Brown and Great Barrier Reef/


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