
Saturday to the Festival hall for Roald Dahl festival. The concert was sold out but the story bed was great and Ciaran loved posting dreams in a jar and then sorting them out downstairs -  a very simple but clever installation. Also chalk on the floor, audio books and story telling boats. Lunch at Giraffe sitting outside with blankets! Story of suitcases and an excellent guided tour through the wonderful world of Roald Dahl. Lovely meal at the Canteen with the family which was a nice surprise. Watched Dickensian and the 70s. Had a wierd dream about an ordination with PM and Louise Sage. Went to 8 a.m. Mass at St Mary's West Croydon. Arrived at church to find a large skip full. I have now brought nearly all my organ music home! It seems a pity that the paper was not recycled but a clearout was certainly needed! I played Bach Lenten preludes and Fantasia in C minor. Only one more week of the Murray setting - hurrah! Have played it nearly every week for 3 years apart from Christmas and Easter season. Keeping up with the Khans is a fascinating series about Sparkhill. To London interfaith centre for Michael Redman's talk on yoga and a a good discussion. Watched final Dickensian and Call the midwife.


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