
17 in church. Practising Dorian. Played Willan and Hurford on Song 34, Willan on Nicaea and Mozart Serenade. I told Bill the news. Fr Leon came up to check all was well about getting away at 12. There was a meeting to appoint an auditor at 12 anyway and I go to St Paul's cathedral in good time which was as well as the room was full. Pádraig O Tuama spoke well at St Paul's cathedral. He is an Irish gay poet and theologian who directs the Corrymeela community and he told some great stories. Good to see Michael Redman there but William Rhind was turned away as it was full. Home by 3.30. At evensong we sang Stanford in B flat and Caesar Soul of my saviour. Benediction. End of War and Peace beautifully done. Call the midwife and watched programme on Confucius. Delighted that Liz found the missing hangings in the shed boxes. Brought some organ music home.


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