Mother's day

Up early to get the 8.03 train to Caterham and enjoyed practising on the 3 manual Walker at St John's. The mothering Sunday service went well and the small choir coped well with Rutter's The Lord bless you and keep you. Choir practice afterwards did not happen but I met a lot of nice people over coffee! Played Slater on St Botolph, Boellmann Angelus and Bach Fantasia in C minor. Andrew Moore's Berceuse for the distribution of flowers. Returned home to find somebody for the footbal match had parked between my bollards so parked outside Hyacinth and Jim's - no problem! Have caught up withJonathan Vaughn on interior design challenge and some old Songs of Praise. Liz got nice wax and real flowers. Bruce rang. At evensong we sang Gibbons Short service and Stainer God so loved the world and Adrian played Howells De profundis psalm prelude. Dennis Woodhouse and Ann- Marie Woodhouse took us to Oscars at Croydon Park hotel for a delicious Mother's Day dinner and the ladies got a voucher for lunch there! Call the midwife came to an end.


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