
The Triduum marathon is completed! I played for the 8 p.m. vigil at Anerley RC 3 hymns and Hallelujah chorus. 2 baptised, 1 received, 3 confirmations. It was much appreciated by Fr Sunith and Fr Stuart who sang superbly. So nice to have Dennis Woodhouse with us for dinner of pork and apple frangipane tart and at Mass. Home by 10.30 and straight to bed! Clocks forward and woke at 3.30 a.m. I was at St John Caterham by 5 a.m. magnificent full moon. It's 10 miles by car. The rain which had meant everything was indoors last night held off for the kindling of the new fire outside at 5.45 a.m. and we were launched on all 6 readings and Mawby psalms ably sung by Jill and Peregrine. Finished with Hallelujah chorus and off to a cooked breakfast.10 a.m. at St John Caterham and an Easter egg well earned! Bach Christ lag in todesbanden, Christopher Tambling O filii and Rosalie Bonighton Easter hymn. Greening setting and Shephard "Sing choirs of heaven". New vestments blessed and what a joy to announce Thine be the glory on a tuba. Howells Saraband on the morning of Easter in all its glory. Those final chords say "You better believe this!" Delicious cake and wine before the drive home. I dropped off watching Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi! Dennis to us to the Rosendale for an excellent family lunch - lamb, Gipsy Hill ale to break the Lenten observance and chocolate cake and ice cream. Needless to say by 5 I was on the bed exhausted and slept well missing evensong at St John Upper Norwood where Liz has enjoyed singing! Christ is risen! Antiques roadshow, Indian summers and loved the programme about the Queen at 90! A good programme about Kipling in India and Easter from Kings.


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