Return home

 Up at 7.15 for last swim. Full breakfast. Set off at 10.10 and got home 1.45! There was a big holdup on A3 so we went via Dorking and Box Hill - very pretty. Unpacked. Come dine with me. Bake off was good. I was tired. Liz got paint for garden boxes. Bake off was good and The Apprentice best bits.

Wednesday very wet. Liz went for blood test and was tired. Blackfriars. Meditation. Read more of Fratelli tutti. Zoom ACTA Phil McCarthy of Caritas - very stimulating. Nicholas King on fellowship. LSIUK zoom and Edward de Quay joined us. Come dine with me. Kanneh-Mason family at Barbican excellent. Lecture on macabre in graveyards. 

Friday up early and slide now at No 11. Gardeners coming tomorrow. Funeral of Pam (98) at St John's. 11 sang. Rutter went well and I found I could sing well. To Selsdon to pick up videos now on 3 memory sticks. Extra slice but fell asleep. Eat well for less. 


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