
 Wednesday Blackfriars. World opera day part 4 and Ensemble 26 Beethoven and Boulanger. Exercises. Faith in action getting to know you zoom. Meditation. Liz got blood test result - anaemia. Garden progressing well. Zoom supervision group for spiritual directors. Watched Borat - silly and funny. Come dine with me. Thursday was a most successful day. Liz went to Bromley and then to the Globe and went on the stage with the family MND! I would have loved that! The SLIFG zoom was well attended and Juney Muhammad gave an excellent talk on BLM and Black history and we saw 2 videos from Rizwan. Finished 2.30. At 4 LS group went well until 5.15 and we agreed to explore Journey to 2030. Picked up Liz. Traffic horrendous. Come dine with me. Mass for deceased brothers from Petts Wood - Polish priest read all the names with great care. Pity about the CDs. 

Friday St Martin's in the fields, Blackfriars. Tires, exercises. to Lidl and Post Office. Watched LMP Red riding hood music by Paul Patterson - made me laugh. Clive James in Paris and New York amusing. An extra slice. Did some work on LS and watched first film Journey to 2030. 

Saturday finished reading House of music which is uplifting. A zoom about anxiety which was very interesting but a bit long! To shop and up to Glyn close. Watching Godunov 2010 from the Met with Rene Pape leading an excellent cast conducted by Gergiev.


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