More work!

 Friday up late. St Barnabas but RCs Sacred Heart. Bacon and egg. Heated discussion about diet. No alcohol for a month. Cut out chocolates and cakes and especially biscuits! 21 day turnaround confirmed more exercise!! SMITF morning song. Blackfriars. 30 minutes seated exercises. Excellent trumpeters at St Edmundsbury and St Mary Warwick. Very hot in garden. Southwark group zoom. Donal McCann playing at Gonville and Caius. Muhly, David Pipe playing at Leeds Town hall. Interesting lecture on Salford cathedral and first part of lecture on Liverpool metropolitan cathedral. 

Saturday up late Nazareth community walk Battersea Park, St John's, end of Mass from Fulham, Guild of St Stephen AGM. Michael is so boring! Watched the trooping at Windsor. Dennis has fractured his finger. Wrote article about the conference - Sr Marie Grogan sent me 46 pages of notes! Interesting recital by David Houlder at Leeds Minster. I am taking a new look at Fanfare for Francis as a result.  Philip Moore piece on East Acklam looks usable. I am abandoning the Gigout for the moment. Richard Gowers playing Bach at Swiss church. Martin Stacey at St Dominic's rosary shrine playing Bach and Reger - the sound very distorted. Watched the rest of NT Consent and Lenny Henry hilarious in  Comedy of Errors.

No livestream for 2 weeks. Ironic really as I decided not to play the Mulet Toccata precisely because of the livestreaming!  I did play Francis Jackson and Philip Moore on East Acklam and Andrew Moore Toccata. We sang For the fruits of God's creation and Thou visitest the earth by Maurice Greene.Radio 4 Desert Island discs Yo Yo Ma had some great choices but even though he was warned that he could not take a tool he was allowed his Swiss army knife! Roy Plomley would have said a definite Not to that! How does he cope at airports? Chat to Caterham folk. Blackfriars sermon. Managed to get oven door window out and fixed bedside cabinet runners. Chris Totney playing at Gillingham Methodist church including Suite Gothique. I dropped off! First attendance at Sustainable Thornton Heath meeting - seem a keen bunch! Programme on the Lark ascending. Watched Andrew Marr on Monet's Waterlilies. Georgian mezzo won first round of Cardiff singer of the world. Interesting programme on Julian of Norwich. 

Very hot. Blackfriars and SMITF . Henry came and Dennis went to hospital. Painting and he loved the sprinkler in the garden. Gallery prommers zoom.  Maidstone circle. Cardiff singer round 2 Danish bass should have won! Antiques roadshow repeat from Dundee.

Tuesday Blackfriars, SMITF, Essex group chat on truth and justice. Cornhill recital from Durham Joseph Beech. Brewer, Bridge, Harris sonata. William Fox playing Bach at St Paul's. Shed erected by a very tall and pleasant guy from Tunbridge Wells. It looks great and went on the site of the old shed without any problem. Quiet time. Gresham lecture Professor Stanley Thurley on the Marlborough's palaces. Tried on new shirts and the XL look better! Richmond circle 3 waffling on and on. Repair shop repeat. Cardiff singer round 3 won by excellent soprano from Austria.

Wednesday very hot. Woke late again SMITF, Sally rushing again, Blackfriars. Zoom planning interfaith service a lot achieved in a short time! The humanists and pagan were particularly helpful. Bed changed and summer quilt, towels in wash. Meditation but still hot. Sayed Ali Razawi at Sion centre. Collected Henry and took him home - horrified that he is allowed to run around on the pavement, 5 of us on zoom about Laudato Si' Fr David said some really useful things about prayer. Osterley meeing same old blatherers. Final of sewing bee. Singer of the world.

Thursday Blackfriars, SMITF, Cardiff singer song contest from radio 3. Excellent talk on roods. Work on the jigsaw. Good LSI zoom with 2 new faces. Picked up Henry and the heavens opened! To St John's Ian Keatley played well.The Howells was a delight. Nimrod very slow and grand. I think reeds can be very tiring to listen to and we had them in the Bach, Couperin, Mendelssohn and awful Dupre which sounded like stabbing music from Psycho. Nice little Demessieux prelude. Final of song prize won by the South African . We preferred Michael from Madagascar - lovely soft singing. 

Friday long chat to Ann. SMITF and wrote minutes. St Mary Warwick Richard Cook on good form. Royal Academy song recital. Oliver Macfarlane at St Bride's playing Schmidt, Blackfriars. Sarah Baldock playing at Gonville and Caius. Would I lie to you and Constable. Fergal Keane on Mandela and his legacy. 

Saturday Nazareth walk Trent Park Cockfosters. St John's. Winter clothes away. Blackfriars. Wrote 2 articles for Music and liturgy and Spidir newsletter. Cookery demo from Croydon circle. Articles about CSN and LCAW. Lovely evensong from King's Cambridge. A fabulous final of Cardiff singer of the world! A worthy winner. They will all be great! The Georgian mezzo was just gorgeous but the South Korean was the only one to sing softly.


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