
 Woke late to dentist. Jesse cemented the crown back in but in the evening it came out when eating an ice cream cone. I have an appointment on Wednesday. Various options denture addition, bridge, implant. Colette's meeting addressed by Pau Bodenham. I was late as Ian picked up the petition cards and we had a nice chat. Trying to find public speaking file! Sent Gisela the rest of the form. SMITF quiet time was good. Balham chat about Richard Dawkins and communion. Croydon care free presentation. Only connect University challenge, the Met and Black lives matter. 

Tuesday SM and B. Liz went to Guys and was much delayed. I left 10.30 a.m. to Caterham. Funeral of 90 year old from Somerset at noon. First time I had played Nearer my God to thee! Nimrod. Home by 1.30. Initial letter about public speaking. Finally listened to Diarmuid MacCulloch's church crawls. St Martin's 2 of the wonderings seemed irrelevant to the climate crisis as such and I said nothing. Sam's sumup was very close to Laudato Si'. Bake off has started. It seems Shanti told the bank she had resigned so she has really mucked us up. 

Wednesday SM, B and Swk. To dentist Rebecca sending my denture to the lab to see if the new tooth can be added. Got shingle for hydrangeas. A house through time. Meditation on climate crisis. Zoom about hybrid meeting at Friends meeting house. Jay's Yorkshire workshop. Gresham lecture Prof Alec Ryrie on failure of early Protestant missionaries. Laudato Si zoom went well. Repair shop. Tribute to Prince Philip. 

ThursdaySM, B and Swk. To art group at Age UK/ I suggested that everybody should be encouraged to take a Covid test as they are surprisingly not insisting on double vaccination given our age group. Did a little sketch but mostly chatting. Organists visit to Ewell impossible as called to dentist for 2 and after quite  alot of drilling post and crown back in place. Saw Rebecca and agreed on treatment towards a new denture which would block some taste buds as it will be plastic. Took Liz to West Wickham to get 3rd pot for hydrangeas. To Halfords and fuse changed so able to check tyres. Gresham lecture on Shostakovich and Mosolov modernism. Come dine with me. Set up new Firestick but now cannot get into Netflix! Leonardo not great. Lord Montagu very interesting. 


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