Root and branch

 Nazareth Hampstead Heath but I was half asleep, B, Root and branch all say from 9.15. Baroness Kennedy, Tina Beattie, Jim Carroll. I went on the zoom. Cookery demo from Frank and Bettina. Liz set off twice for Orpington tea but football traffic was really bad. James completed the accounts £500.  The last night was great with an accordionist and Stuart Skelton in cricket outfit - he had several outfits! The strange pain in my right side came back again - like a muscle strain. Watching the US open women's singles final. 

Still some straining - it must be muscular. A busy morning at Caterham. Susan led the service. OScar appeared and what an addition to his Duke of Edinburgh form - he is off to uni. We rehearsed the songs at 11. The teddy bears picnic was fun and I played the recital mostly on the theme "Edible England". Sadly very few there! I liked the scarecrows outside and the displays. Enjoying the creationtide ecumenical service from Our Lady of Victories Kensington. Liz went to tea at Grangewood Park with Ann Marie and Henry. SLIFG AGM went well and the accounts were welcomed. We still need a treasurer but Gisela offered to handle Thursday monies. A good discussion on zoom/hybrid. Rizwan and Diana spoke well and showed videos. Countryfile. TIred! Watched the rest of James Carroll's talk. Antique roadshow from Ham. Life drawing on BBC.


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