Vespers, interfaith

Wednesday wrote 2 more articles on the Holy Land based on the blog whch is now complete. To meet outside Hinsley Room to go to Initatives for change UK (formerly Moral rearmament) interfaith group (7 of us) enjoyed a tour of 24 Greencoat Place with the brother of the film-maker and then watched "The Imam and the Pastor" which is excellent. Hai invited us for Chinese New Year lunch next Wednesday. Finished reading "A daughter's love; Thomas & Margaret More" by Peter Guy - an excellent book. Thursday to cathedral for Mass (lovely Berkeley setting) and ecumenical vespers to mark the retirement of the Cardinal. I served as acolyte and we had to take tapers to the 4 presidents, in my case H.E. Archbishop of Canterbury preached well although sitting at the back could not hear very well. Salvation Army songsters were excellent. Bishops Patrick and Paul very friendly. Thomas Wilson was cantor. Liz missed it as Grandma went into King's again with back pain.
Friday to practice - Molly ill, John not coming this weekend and I didn't realise so will have to play bass part on piano.


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