Arnfinn Tobiassen

Had an argument as I had been able to access my records on the new Philharmonia Chorus website (I vary from 6 to 8 but usually good and semi-chorus) but Liz could not access hers so she changed email back to the a.woodhouse one. Can still get emails to new address but it's confusing. I said open a new email account and give that to the chorus or use my google mail account. To St Michael's on a lovely day for the 12 noon recital by Arnfinn. I was late because Conservatives came to the door. What were my concerns locally so I said parking and not wanting residents permits as they will charge us to park in the end. I should have mentioned the housing developments locally which are taking away green spaces and not in keeping with the area. David said he votes green and has no time for parties or unions! I would certainly never vote Tory after the way I have been treated with job cuts in the past.
I enjoyed Arnfinn's playing - even Franck's Pastorale! Bach, Marchand, Litaize Scherzo and Dupre Allegro deciso from Evocation. About 50 odd there.
Louise came over so Liz picked her up and we met at Grandma's. Josie was there - new fence is good and bushes all cut back. Louise looks well. She came to cathedral with us. Bishop Longley was there as Notre Dame school, Cobham at Mass. Their choir and brass sang a lot by their director Mr Fenton - some of it rather too secular in style I thought but effective. Christ triumphant at end. Nick was on hand. I said goodbye to Louise and Liz and set off for Islington for James O'Donnell's recital but was already late and found no Victoria line so came home and watched Kevin McCloud's delightful grand tour on Channel 4 on computer. I told Bishop Longley about interfaith group and he knows Sr Margaret Shepherd and rabbi Mark Solomon. He is SO nice!


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