A fall

38 lengths. Just outside the library on a path I must have walked 1000s of times I tripped over the manhole cover and fell forwards. The bag containing the day's newspapers pulled be forward so I was lucky to escape with a grazed right knee and left hand knuckles. But it was pretty shaken so had a cup of tea. Not impressed to find I am only senior again on Saturday especially as I have reading group to run. Sharing someone with Tooting mobile does not work well. Nice trout for dinner done with onions and mushrooms. Choir practice 2 people missing, 2 people late. I cut it short as feeling shivery. The same old moans about Harvest carol and Harvest samba, why can't the anthem be after communion (we discussed that years ago), why aren't we singing Sanders responses at evensong - I'm afraid I was not in the mood for it. The Tudors continues to be historically inaccurate! Have asked for extra singers at Harvest festival - so far zilch! Changed to BT broadband from demon so new email address.


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