Deanery evensong

We sang Farrant "Turn thy face from my sins" and Statham in D. By request I played "land of hope and glory". The children had a delightful practice which was a relief after last Sunday. I practised and then home. Meanwhile Liz had gone to East Croydon and I did not get the text messages! Had quick lunch and back to church for 3.15 on a glorious day. The rehearsal and evensong both went really well. 34 in choir and 25 in congregation. Walmisley in D minor, Bullock Give us the wings of faith, Sanders Responses, Psalm 91 and 3 angel hymns. Good sermon by Richard Slade reader at Purley. Scrumptious Mothers Union tea with sandwiches and chocolate cake. It was a joy to conduct and Fred Irvine played well including Alla Marcia of John Ireland. Watched Antiques roadshow and Kevin McCloud in Rome. Took down dining room shelves. Roll on the next joint event! Pleased that Molly came and sang.


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