Timothy Penrose

Liz set off early as she was acting as sacristan for the morning so Gerry could play in the folk group. At Coulsdon we sang "If ye love me" by Tallis and Bairstow in E flat. We rehearsed Gibbons and Croft for evensong and I felt so confident after the conducting workshop and was using some of the techniques I had learnt. Vickie says the church will pay for it! I practised and then to Purley for Mass. David Palmer group and it was far too long. Blessing of water with sung responses then sprinkling then Gloria. A good young cantor for the acclamations. Canon Frank went on rather long about the need for all to evangelise. It was a Mass for new members of the congregation followed by a reception in the hall but by then it was 1.15! To Dulwich to meet Liz. Restaurants all full so had soup in cafe and then to Christ's Chapel for excellent recital by Timothy Penrose counter-tenor and Norman Harper. The organ has been rebuilt by Drake and is ideal for Purcell and Gibbons. Timothy has given Liz some lessons. He has amazing breath control and range. We heard Croft, Purcell, Monteverdi and Wesley. To the hospital and Grandma has made some progress trying to speak and spelling out words and lifting her arm and leg. Truro cathedral evensong on radio and Young Musician woodwind - I spotted the winner the flautist. Antiques roadshow featured a man with a William Orpen picture and I'm sure I know him! Matisse programme.
Interesting that the correct stance for conducting is like a tai chi position!


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